Sunday 8 March 2009

You & Your Gym

The gym I go to has a various things to offer, some of which I take advantage of and some I don't. First of all, there are a range of personal trainers available. Being fairly informed about fitness and nutrition and being very disciplined, I don't require the individual attention of a personal trainer, however I am able to draw on their knowledge and experience simply by asking questions.

The next thing my gym has is equipment and weights which help you with working all the muscles of your body, including cardio machines which can assist with burning fat. None of these are any use if you don't know how to use them, which muscles you are exercising and what your goals are.

The gym also has something home gyms don't have- more people. This can be welcomed or not depending on your own preference, personal focus and tendency to be distracted. There is also loud music which can be welcomed or not for the same above reasons and your own personal taste.

All in all, it doesn't matter if you have a local gym or a home gym, just as long as you make the most of it and allow it to help bring out the best in you.

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