Saturday 9 May 2009


In the words of fitness model Jennifer Nicole Lee:

" "If it isn't worth fighting for, then it isn't worth it at all!" You may be tired, intimidated, or suffering from some personal strife; however, you must fight for your workouts and never give up! Fight for your right to be fit! You will have to even at times fight for that last rep! You all are weight training warriors and that you must fight for what you want in life, and fight for that last rep in! Fight for those last couple of reps, this is actually when you are doing your muscles the greatest good! Don't give in, but rather fight for them, and bring them home! And all of you are fighters, or you would not be reading this! So fight and earn your muscle by never giving up in your workouts. Some of the most invaluable, priceless things in life you have to fight for them, including the priceless gift of building mind blowing muscle! I believe us warriors in life, resonate on the same "membrane" in this life, so if you are reading this, you are a fighter! "

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