Friday 15 May 2009

Tips For Eating Healthy On A Budget

The following tips come from my favorite fitness and nutrition podcast - Fat 2 Fit Radio.

The full article can be viewed at

#7 - Buy the less expensive generic or store brands. The store brands are often the same as the major label brands.

#6 - Eggs and beans are great alternatives to meat.

#5 - Don’t eat out. Preparing your own meals is always cheaper and almost definitely healthier.

#4 - Buy lean meats in bulk, then divide up and freeze. Costco and Sams Club are your friends when making large meat purchases.

#3 - Don’t go shopping when you’re hungry. Old wives are always right.

#2 - Buy your produce at the farmer’s market instead of the grocery store. At the local farmer’s market I can buy a 5 pound bag of oranges for $1. At the grocery store they’re $1.29 a pound.

#1 - Don’t buy sodas and other sugary drinks. Drink water. Water is almost free and the money saving benefits of drinking water are totally eclipsed by the health benefits.

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