Saturday 30 May 2009

How To Set Your Last Weight Goal Ever!

I've written about BMR before, however it is a key tool in weight loss so I thought I'd take another look.

The following is summed up by Jeff Ainslie of Fat 2 Fit Radio:

' If you never want to go on a diet again, the simplest way is to start eating like a person at your goal weight and keep doing it. You will lose weight faster at the start and it will slow as you approach your goal weight, but you will never be “on a diet” again.

First of all, you need to know your BMR (basal metabolic rate), which is how many calories your body burns in a day to stay alive. If you were asleep for 24 hours, your BMR would be the amount of calories you would burn.

To get a realistic measure of the total calories that you burn in a day, you need to multiply your BMR by a number that represents how much activity that you do in a day.

•If you get little or no exercise, multiply your BMR by 1.2.
•If you exercise lightly or take part in easy sports one to three times a week, multiply your BMR by 1.375.
•If you are moderately active — three to five times a week — multiply your BMR by 1.55.
•If you are very active — hard exercise or sports six to seven times a week — multiply your BMR by 1.725.
•If you are extra active — very hard exercise or sports and a physical job — multiply your BMR by 1.9. '

The above message is a clear and consistent one that is addressed regularly on the Fat 2 Fit Radio show. I suggest you think about it regularly too.

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