Thursday 28 May 2009

Gym Etiquette

There is such a thing as proper gym etiquette. A gym is a place we share with others so we should really think about how our actions impact those around us.

Here are a few things that I really wish people at my gym would do. Many do, but not all, and it really creates a negative impact at the gym:

1. If your sweat ends up on the equipment, please wipe it off when you've finished with said equipment.

2. Don't grunt. Period. There is no need for it. To any person who lifts weights and grunts loudly at a gym- choose a lighter weight- you are clearly not strong enough to handle the current weight you are lifting. If you are indeed strong enough to lift your weight, don't let your selfish personal ego of trying to show others how tough you are by grunting, lead you to grunting.

3. Throw your litter away. Considering others around you is known as good manners. If you don't know what I mean by good manners, look it up. Google can be a very helpful tool in this process.

4. Put weights back on the rack when you you finish with them. Don't be lazy. If you are in fact lazy by nature, there is no need to come to the gym. Be lazy at home.

5. Respect. We should all do it because we all deserve it.

There are so many more things I could list but I'll let you do that. It all comes down to being considerate of your gym and those that share it with you.

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