Friday 29 May 2009

Marathon Records

Today at the gym I thought I overheard that someone did a marathon in under 2 hours. I could have simply enquired further but I felt it wasn't my conversation to interrupt. Anyhow, it sounded questionable to me so I did a little research and found I simply must have misheard.

I found the following at :

' The fastest time for a marathon, as set in official competition, is 2 hours, 3 minutes and 59 seconds (4 minute 44 second miles). This is the current men's world record for marathon distance, and was set by Haile Gebrselassie of Ethiopia on 28th September 2008 in the real,-Berlin marathon.

The fastest time run by a woman in a marathon is 2 hours, 15 minutes and 25 seconds (5 minute 9 second miles). This currently stands as the women's world record for marathon distance, and was set by Paula Radcliffe of Great Britain on 13th April 2003 in the London Marathon. '

Being that I'm from London, I should have remembered Paula Radcliffe.

Anyway, as with any goals that seem unattainable, it is just that. They 'seem' to be unattainable. By really putting your mind to it, and putting in all that your body has to offer, taking into account your own physical limitations, many of those seemingly unattainable goals can be reached. And what's even easier with something like weight loss is that you are in control of what you eat and drink.

So take control, and let it help you reach your goals.

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