Tuesday 30 June 2009

Michael Jackson 1958-2009 (Man In The Mirror)

Last Thursday, the world lost a true icon, the most famous person in the world. His name was Michael Jackson. I am one of many of whom his music has touched and influenced. He is a star beyond any other.

Michael Jackson's song 'Man In The Mirror' inspires you to take a look at yourself and make a change for the better. So as a gesture of goodwill to the inspiraton of Michael Jackson and solidarity with Michael Jackson's family, take a look at yourself in the mirror today and make a change.

Next time you are at the gym, the following is a Michael Jackson playlist that works great for a cross-trainer workout:

Beat It
Billie Jean
She's Out Of My Life
You Are Not Alone (Radio Edit)
We Are Here To Change The World
Black Or White
We Are The World
You Are Not Alone (Classic Club Mix)

Michael Jackson 1958-2009

Monday 29 June 2009

Be A Star!

There are some very special people in the world. They are called Stars. Now that doesn't necessarily mean they are celebrities, although many are. Stars are people that truly go above and beyond.

In regards to fitness and nutrition, these are people who are able to get up first thing in the morning and go to the gym, no matter how tired they feel. These people are consistent in what they do. They are focused when at the gym and don't stand around chatting to others. They challenge themselves. They work their body not their ego. They lead by example. They may attend regular classes to broaden their horizons, and are often full of energy and inspire others. They don't worry what other people think of them, yet are happy to collaborate with them. They stick to healthy nutrition. That doesn't mean they are robots or hardcore soldiers, they are simply focused on their goals and have an amazing dedication. These people are so much more than words can describe. These people are Stars.

True Stars are generally rare, often hard to find, even within yourself. Only you know if you qualify as a Star. And if you are a star, please show the world. Be a Star!

Saturday 27 June 2009


The following was written by Becky Hand, aLicensed & Registered Dietitian, and is available to view at http://www.sparkpeople.com/resource/nutrition_articles.asp?id=576 :

Did you know that your digestive tract contains more than 400 types of “friendly” bacteria? These little guys, commonly referred to as probiotics (which means "pro-life"), help reduce the growth of harmful bacteria and promote a healthy digestive system. That’s right! Probiotics are live bacteria with clinically-documented health benefits.

Health Benefits

It appears that when the digestive system is kept healthy, other body systems greatly benefit as well. Probiotics may:

- Protect against infection
- Enhance and boost the immune system
- Promote and improve digestive health
- Alleviate diarrhea caused by antibiotic treatments
- Promote urinary and genital health
- Assist in the management of inflammation
- Help alleviate symptoms of lactose intolerance
- Improve some types of eczema in infants and children
- Reduce cholesterol levels
- Decrease the risk of certain cancers

It is important to note that each type of friendly bacteria has a specific health benefit to the body. With over 400 different types of probiotics identified, researchers are just starting to uncover the health roles and benefits of each.

Food Sources

Currently, foods that contain probiotics are primarily dairy products and dairy beverages, including:

- Yogurt
- Drinkable and squeezable yogurts
- Fluid milk with added probiotics
- Fermented milk such as sweet acidophilus milk
- Kefir

Through fermentation, probiotics enhance the flavor and texture of these particular dairy products. Dairy foods actually buffer your stomach acid and bile, thereby protecting the probiotics from the stomach acid so that they can reach the intestines.

Raw (unpasteurized) yogurt is loaded with bacteria. Most yogurts today are pasteurized and these bacteria are killed. However, some friendly bacteria are added back. Look for a yogurt that contains the “live and active culture” sign on the label. Pay close attention to the expiration date because these live bacterial cultures can diminish with time.

Probiotic Supplements

Probiotic supplements are available in a variety of forms, such as freeze dried powder, capsules, wafers, and liquids. Remember to exercise caution before using a probiotic supplement. The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) does not regulate supplements in the same way as it regulates medication. Legally, manufacturers can sell supplements, even with little or no research on how well it works or how safe it is.

Supplement and medication reactions can occur, therefore seek the guidance of your health care provider before using any probiotic supplement.

Grab Some Bugs!

Why not give some fermented dairy products a try today? Little Miss Muffet did! Remember her curds and whey—a fermented dairy product filled with friendly bacteria? That old spider probably came and sat down be side her…because he wanted the probiotic benefits too!

Friday 26 June 2009

Reasons To Spin

Spinning is an indoor group cycling class. Here are a few reasons to try a Spin class. Much of the following has been adapted from dailyspark.com :

Burn Extra Calories - Spinning classes help motivate you to work harder and get a better workout (which means better results and higher calorie burn) than you may do on your own if you're not the most focused individual.

Give Your Joints A Break - Spinning is a low-impact cardio exercise, which means it's easier on your joints, including your knees and ankles, than many other forms of cardio. Many people who are rehabilitating injuries or recovering from surgeries are advised to try low-impact forms of exercise (like biking or Spinning) in lieu of jarring activities like running. If you have an upper body injury, you can still ride the bike and get a good workout. Even if you don't have joint issues now, it's a good idea to alternate your high-impact exercises with some low- and no-impact exercises like Spinning to avoid overuse injuries and give those vulnerable joints a break every so often.

Stay in Control - How many group workouts have you ever tried that can easily seamlessly accommodate beginners, people with injuries, hardcore exercisers, young and old, and advanced exercisers in a single room? Possibly, not many. That is the beauty of Spinning: It's something everyone can do. You should think of your Spinning instructor as a friendly guide for your workout. He or she usually has a general plan in terms of movements, intensity changes and pace, but really, YOU are the one in control. You decide how much resistance to add, how fast to pedal, and how hard to work. This means that people of all fitness levels can take the same class and all get a great workout.

Enjoy the Great Indoors - Many people love biking— and the benefits it provides as a great cardio workout with low-impact on the joints— but don't love biking in traffic on the streets. Spinning will provide the same benefits without the uneasiness of cycling in a high-traffic area that's unfriendly to bikes. If seasonal allergies or extreme weather (too hot or too cold) forces you to take your outdoor workouts inside, Spinning is a great alternative.

Feel the Energy - It can be a positive, high-energy atmosphere that can motivate you to push yourself and make you feel good about working out. It makes the whole workout experience more fun— and helps you feel connected with the people around you, like you're all in it together. Remember that Spinning is non-competitive. Harness that energy around you and within you for a great workout that you can feel good about!

Thursday 25 June 2009

Up Your Game!

We are definitely into Summer now. There are no more excuses regarding your fitness and nutrition. No more compromises. It is time to up your game. Here are a few ways you can do that:

- Hard Work. Having a goal without doing the necessary hard work to achieve it, is like believing in a dream that will never happen. Fairy godmothers as helpful as they are, don't always appear on demand, so in the meantime you have to make it happen yourself.

- Testing And Tracking. Feel free to test out new equipment at the gym and see if it's worth incorporating it into your regular workout. Track your calories. To lose weight, have a calorie deficit, each and every day, no exceptions.

- Make The Time. You are investing in yourself by making the time to eat healthy and work out regularly. Yes you may have to sacrifice your favorite sweet foods on occasion, but by doing so, that feeling you get when people start to notice how hot you've been looking lately will more than make up for it. That feeling lasts longer too.

- Work your body not your ego. There is no need to compete with anyone except yourself at the gym. We all have different goals and physical capabilities, and have different ways of achieving our own goals.

- Step It Up. Up your resistance on that cross-trainer or try lifting a slightly heavier weight (carefully!).

- Have fun. If you aren't enjoying transforming your body, there's not much point in doing it. Don't place too much pressure on yourself.

Not to pressure you, but what are you waiting for? Up Your Game! - Now.

Wednesday 24 June 2009

Celebrity Inspiration VI: Michelle Pfeiffer

There are many celebrities that really value fitness and nutrition. Of these, there are a very select few, male and female, who I think are at the pinnacle of fitness and nutrition and are those who give me ideas and inspire me within my own fitness and nutrition. Today I am going to focus on 'Hairspray' actress Michelle Pfeiffer.

Whenever you see someone on the red carpet and they have a swelte body, unless they are very young and gifted with super genes, that means they are working hard each and every day. They are going the extra mile, maybe sacrificing their favorite sweet foods and time. These people are an inspiration to us. What may seem extreme to you in regards to how hard they workout, may be normal to them as this is their lifestyle. Or maybe they are an athlete, or a fitness model who needs to be in photoshoot much of the time. They are people who very much need to be in great shape.
Michelle Pfeiffer is one such celebrity inspiration.

In the words of Michelle Pfeiffer:

"There are women who just genetically have beautiful bodies - it seems to us they don’t have to work out. I personally have to work at it. I’m doing all the right things. I do cardio and strength training, a little bit of weights. I mix it up, but I can’t push myself the way I used to."

In regards to her own age and feeling and dressing differently at 50, Michelle Pfeiffer adds:

"I can’t wear a skirt that’s too short anymore. It’s not that my legs are bad, it just look silly. I feel less pressure to dress youthfully. I’m 50 and everyone knows I’m 50 - who are you kidding? Jeans are my uniform. I have about 15 pairs."

Michelle Pfeiffer is indeed an inspiration. Just watch the movie 'Hairspray' as an example.

There are many inspirations out there, celebrity and non-celebrity. Today I chose Michelle Pfeiffer but there are many more who inspire me that I will get onto in the future. It doesn't matter who inspires you. Even if it's simply yourself, feeling inspired can help you go above and beyond in all aspects of your life. Keep looking for inspiration and be an inspiration to others yourself. Feel inspired!

Tuesday 23 June 2009

Dealing With Temptation

Here are a few suggestions for dealing with food and drink temptations:

- When feeling stressed, instead of reaching for the nearest unhealthy and sweet food-like substance, take a deep breath. Calm yourself down. In for 4. Hold for 4. Out for 4.

- When ordering pizza, request half or light cheese.

- Replace a meal with a tomato-based soup. It's low calorie and filling.

- Phone a friend. Hopefully if they're a good friend, maybe they'll distract you from temptation. Of course if they're not a good friend they could inspire temptation, so watch out for that.

- When craving something creamy, choose fat free yogurt.

- Out of sight, out of mind. Clear your kitchen of any temptations and substitute with healthy alternatives.

- Distance yourself from temptation.

- Brush your teeth. Minty freshness is a powerful thing.

- Track your calories.

- If you eat meat, try being a vegetarian for two days a week.

- Drink water. You may be thirsty and not hungry.

- Don't fry food. Ever.

- Remember that you don't have to eat everything on the plate if you don't want to.

- Pack your Gym bag the day before. You are then obligated to go to the gym.

Monday 22 June 2009

Wimbledon 2009

My favorite sport is Tennis, and this year I will be keeping track of Wimbledon.

Chances are I'll be watching it online while working on my laptop.

To view it live yourself the link is:


Don't forget the strawberries and cream. Or alternatively, strawberries and frozen yogurt.

Saturday 20 June 2009


Yesterday in London I attended a writing masterclass led by successful writer Tony Jordan at the Theatre Royal Haymarket. Tony Jordan is known for being a former head writer on the British soap opera 'Eastenders', the creator of television series 'Hustle', and co-creator of the television series 'Life On Mars'.

During the class, one point Tony Jordan focused on was character, and what defines character. He demonstrated using water bottles that all you need to create a successful story is an objective for the character to try and attain, and a number of obstacles that you put between the character and the objective. It is how the character deals with these obstacles that define his character. For example, if he gives up, he may be a coward, if he works his way around an obstacle he may be smart, if he pushes the onstacle straight down he may be a very direct kind of character.

When working out and eating healthy, unless you have some personal, severe, physical and mental limitations, you are in control. There are no excuses. The only one you can really blame for your success or not is you. It is completely down to your own character. Do you get things done? Or don't you?

What is your character?

Friday 19 June 2009

Unhealthy Foods - Not The Best Deal

The following was written by Monica Reinagel, L.D.N., C.N.S. at NutritionData.com :

With household incomes on the decline, shopping for deals at the grocery store seems like a good idea. But a recent study found that the products featured in sales and promotions are usually not your best buy nutritionally. In fact, the researchers found that the best deals were on the beverages that were highest in sugar and calories!

It's a good reminder to all of us: If you're shopping for bargains, be sure to check the Nutrition Facts label just as carefully as you do the sale price! When resources are tight, it's especially important to spend them on healthy, nourishing foods.

Thursday 18 June 2009

Pineapple Power

According to Cynthia Sass, R.D., a New York City nutritionist and contributing editor for Shape magazine we should have fruit for dessert:

'The enzymes bromelain (in fresh pineapple) and papain (in fresh papaya) ease digestion by breaking down proteins in meat, tofu, dairy, and beans, so food moves through your system faster, which can decrease bloating. So end your meals with one of these fresh, sweet treats.'

I had pineapple for dessert last night, and this morning I have felt extra light in my stomach without feeling hungry. Wow!

Wednesday 17 June 2009

Smoking As A Weight Loss Plan? No Thank You!

Before I start the main part of today's blog entry let me just announce to those that don't already know, that I am a non-smoker. I have never smoked and never will. I am particularly affected by it due to someone very close to me dying because of it. I also believe that it is extremely disgusting and unhealthy for those that do smoke and to those around them. I have always intended and continue to intend never to become involved with someone romantically who smokes for example. I also believe those that do smoke - and yes I do have 'friends' that do smoke - are being extremely selfish to their 'friends' by smoking around them. And yes it is a subject I feel very strongly about.

So that being said, here goes:

After I left the gym this morning I saw a girl smoking. It was a girl who had left the gym after me and she appears to be a tall stick figure type person. I regularly see her on most days I am at the gym and she does a lot of cardio work. Having never spoken to her before at the gym I admired her as a fellow regular gym-goer who was consistent and appeared to be doing many things right in regards to her own fitness. Then when I saw her smoking this morning, my respect for her from a fitness standpoint took a nosedive. The initial thought in my head was "What a Shame". I felt this way because it seemed to me that based on how hard she works with her cardio she wouldn't need to take up smoking which some have considered to be a weight loss tool. Now, let me just say that the girl in question is someone I've yet to be introduced to apart from maybe being in each other's eyeline at the gym, but the disappointment I felt was strong enough to make me research further into smoking and weight loss.

I found the following article by Anna Lynn C. Sibal from http://www.beautyden.com/smoking-weight-loss.shtml . It very much sums up what I feel regarding smoking and weight loss. To those that don't smoke, well done, you're an inspiration, and to those that do- please don't, for yourself, and for the rest of us.

Here's the article:

It is a sad reality that our culture and society is so youth-oriented. The image of what is considered beautiful is what is exemplified today on the runways: those stick-thin, teenage gazelles with boney arms and legs, whose cheeks look a touch sunken and whose cheekbones are a touch too prominent because of their thinness. It is the template that most women right now are trying so hard to fit in, so much that they would do anything to lose the extra weight that they think they are carrying.

Some of these women subscribe to various diets, whether scientifically proven or just fads, while some exert all effort to burn away the extra weight. some take diet teas and diet pills, and some even go through surgical procedures just to suck the fat out of their bodies. Sadly, there are some women who will not stop at anything to lose weight, who are truly convinced that the only way to be considered beautiful is to fit the size and shape of the ideal image that society holds.

Unfortunately, smoking is one of those means that some of those women use to lose weight. Why smoking? It is because smoking is one of the fastest ways out there to lose weight. Smoking accelerates weight loss because it kills the appetite and quickly burns the extra weight off the body's system.

But just as unfortunate is that while smoking deadens the appetite, it also burns away the nutrients that our body needs to be healthy and functioning properly. While we may think that the quick weight loss that smoking brings us is good, in the long run, it is only going to cost us our health.

Did you know that smoking is currently the leading cause of death in the United States? According to the United States' National Institutes for Diabetes & Digestive & Kidney Diseases, diseases directly resulting from smoking kill more than 400,000 people in the United States. Smoking also increases the risk of a person getting cancer. And not just cancer of the lungs; smoking is linked to cancer of the cervix, the larynx, the esophagus, the kidneys, the pancreas, even breast cancer. Smoking also robs the body of calcium, so women who smoke are more prone to developing osteoporosis than women who do not smoke. In addition, women who smoke are also more likely to give birth to premature babies and babies with congenital defects.

Smoking may be a quick fix to anyone's weight problem, but in the long run, the detriments that it brings to our health is not really worth it. Regardless of what image society projects, a truly beautiful woman is not just someone who is thin and can fit into size six clothes. A truly beautiful woman has a body that is fit and toned and whose skin glows with health.

If you want to lose weight, smoking is not the ticket for you. Rather than smoking, you should try simple exercises. You do not have to go to the gym to get some exercise. You could chose to walk when you need to go to the neighborhood store instead of drive. Also, instead of eating three times a day, you can try eating small, nutritious snacks every two or three hours. In this way, you will not feel hungry at all, and yet your body will remain nourished and actually increase its metabolism.

Quit smoking. Smoking is not good for you.

Tuesday 16 June 2009

Monica Brant Food Talk

On Thursday, May 19th 2009, I looked at the nutrition of fitness model Jamie Eason, and yesterday I took a look at the nutrition of fitness model Marzia Prince. Today I will look at the nutrition advice of fitness model Monica Brant who has inspired fellow model Jamie Eason and perhaps can inspire you and me.

Here is some food talk from Monica Brant:

' My diet is approximately 80% free from junk foods in the off season-except maybe at Christmas. Before a competition-either on or off season-the stricter I am with my diet, the better I look.

My protein intake with every meal is between 25-45 grams, consisting of one of the following: lean, red meat, chicken, turkey (white meat is best), tuna canned in water, egg whites, tofu, whey protein, non-fat cottage cheese, and some fish: i.e., halibut, salmon & orange roughy.

I eat starchy carbohydrates-for example, rice, pasta, matzo bread, oatmeal, cream of wheat, crumpets and corn tortillas only until mid-afternoon. I try not to eat these things at night because I am more sedentary later in the evening. However, if I know I’m going to be up late, I’ll cut these carbs out after 6 pm, in order to have enough energy. Remember, carbs = energy! If you don’t use them readily, they turn to fat. Yuck!!

I eat fibrous carbohydrates such as broccoli, asparagus, green beans, celery, and spinach-three times a day during a competition cycle. So, pre-contest, I’m downing as much ‘green’ as I can. This food type replaces a lot of the starch that I cut out in order to get really lean. Keep in mind, however, I add a little more fat into my diet when I’m not eating as many complex carbs.

Regarding fat...normally I will eat Laura Scudder’s Natural Unmixed Peanut Butter, egg yolks, low-fat cheese, avocado, and mixed nuts. Three weeks before or out of my competitions I prefer to eat fat sources from flaxseed oil, olive oil or canola oil.

Along with limiting your starchy carb intake, be careful of your sugar intake! Your body ends up releasing a lot of insulin to combat the high blood sugar levels both carbs and sugar produces. In case you are unaware, sugar is considered a simple carb! When your blood sugar comes down finally, it crashes leaving you oftentimes totally drained. Whatever insulin is left over binds the remaining sugar and stores it as fat. This process can become a vicious cycle and, in the long run, can have disastrous effects on your health. I don’t recommend it; but I would say it is better to consume more fat rather than sugar products. If you are, however, eating sugar, keep your intake to a minimum in the afternoon and evening hours. If you absolutely can’t get by without it, take your fix after training or better yet in the morning.

Try to eat every 3 to 4.5 hrs. Many small meals are better than a few large ones. I use meal replacement drinks or bars at times when I just can’t get in a good meal. In general, you will need to cook and prepare more food ahead of time, but it will become a worthy practice netting your body great results. Just get into “the routine” or as Nike says, “Just do it!” Don’t forget to drink plenty of WATER!! '

Monday 15 June 2009

Marzia Prince Eating Clean Tips

Marzia Prince is a highly successful fitness model and trainer. Her website is located at www.marziafitness.com . Below are her tips for staying on track when eating clean:

- The key to eating healthy is variety. Fruits, veggies, lean meats, eggs, whole grains, and nuts.

- Be aware of portion size!!! Example - 1 cup of cooked veggies is the size of a fist. 1 medium fruit is size of a baseball. 3-4 oz. of meat is the size of a deck of cards.

- Take a multivitamin daily.

- Drink at least 10 glasses of water daily. No soda or diet soda, fake fruit juices, and fancy lattes with sugar and milk!

- Replace white bread with whole wheat or whole grain. Make sure the first couple of ingredients don’t say “enriched” because that means important nutrients have been taken out.

- Replace white rice with whole grain or brown rice.

- Replace sugar with Stevia (it is made of fiber) or none at all is best.

- No fried, salty, or sugary foods.

- Have cut up fruit and veggies ready for snacking.

- Try to have 3 servings of dairy daily (low-fat or non-fat) if not, use calcium supplements. Broccoli and sardines are a great source of calcium too!

- Red meat has saturated fat, limit to two times a week or less. Pick chicken or turkey instead.

- Go for organic fruits, veggies, meats, and dairy.

- Go for raw nuts-roasted is ok (no salted or sugar coated).

- Use Pam olive oil spray for cooking.

- Aim for 25 grams of fiber a day. One whole wheat tortilla has 14 grams!! Nearly half your daily intake!!

- Try to eliminate caffeine; it raises your cortisol levels.

- Aim for 7-8 hours of sleep. If you get less than that, you could store fat because your body needs that amount to function at full capacity. Of course this does not apply to new mothers.

- Limit alcohol, it stores abdominal fat. Choose a 4 oz. glass of red wine. It has 150 calories and some antioxidants. Not a bottle!

- Eat 5 small meals to fuel your metabolism.

- Use baby spinach or a spring mix instead of iceberg lettuce. Baby spinach offers more nutrients.

- Change your peanut butter to all natural; you’ll have to keep it in the fridge. If it says partially hydrogenated it is bad fat. Almond butter is my favorite!

- Change your jelly to 100% fruit spread. It tastes better too. I usually mash up my own fruit like a banana or strawberries and spread it on my bread.

- Whatever your bedtime, try not to eat 4 hours before you go to bed.

- Drink green tea throughout the day; it helps curb your appetite.

- Avoid cutting calories too low!! Going under 1200 calories can shut down a person’s metabolism and you can actually gain weight. Check with a nutritionist or a dietitian to find the correct amount for you.

- Do not skip meals, this might cause you to gain weight too.

- Perform deep breathing exercises throughout the day. Stop what you are doing a take a few deep breaths. It relieves stress and supplies the brain with more oxygen!

- Always check with a doctor before trying any new nutrition or workout regimen!!

Sunday 14 June 2009

9 'Keeping It Off' Superfoods

The following comes from WebMD and can be read in full at http://www.webmd.com/food-recipes/features/keeping-it-off-superfoods?ecd=wnl_wlw_061309 :

1. Green Tea

Go out of your way to indulge in a tall glass of iced green tea or a mug of hot green tea when you get the chance. Here's why: In a recent study, volunteers who drank a bottle of tea (fortified with green tea extract) every day for three months lost more body fat than another group who drank a bottle of regular oolong tea. Except for the different teas, their overall diets were similar. Researchers suspect that the catechins (helpful phytochemicals) in green tea may trigger weight loss by stimulating the body to burn calories and mildly decrease body fat.

2. Soup (broth- or tomato-based, that is)

Calorie-containing liquids generally are less filling than solid foods, but soups are the exception, says researcher Richard Mattes from Purdue University. In Mattes' study, participants were fed 300-calorie servings of various soups before eating their lunches (they could eat as much lunch as they wanted). Mattes found that the study participants tended to take in fewer total daily calories on days when they had the soup, suggesting that eating low-calorie soups (the broth- and tomato-based ones) before meals may reduce hunger and increase feelings of fullness.

Kathleen Zelman, MPH, RD, director of nutrition for WebMD, agrees that lower-calorie soups (that is, tomato- and broth-based varieties) are highly satisfying.

"If you have soup before a meal, it helps control hunger and you eat less," she says.

3. Low-Calorie Green Salads

Having a low-calorie salad -- not to be confused with salads brimming with cheese, croutons, high-fat dressings, and so on -- as a first course can help you feel fuller and reduce the calories you eat during that meal, according to a study by Rolls. She found that eating a small low-calorie salad tended to cut calories eaten at the meal by 7%, and a larger salad by 12%. But the study found the opposite is true with high-calorie salads. These increased the calories eaten during the meal by 8% for a small salad, and 17% for a larger salad.

Just how low-calorie can a green salad be? Consider that two cups of fresh spinach leaves, 10 slices of cucumber, one medium tomato, and 1/4 cup of grated carrot has a grand total of 67 calories (along with a hefty 5.5 grams of fiber).

4. Yogurt

Yogurt is a dairy food, and several studies have found that including dairy products as part of an overall lower-calorie diet may give you a weight-loss advantage. Still, some scientists aren't convinced, pointing to other studies that show no strong effect between dairy and weight loss.

One study looked at a group of obese adults who ate three, 6-ounce servings of fat-free yogurt a day as part of a diet reduced by 500 calories from their normal intake. The study found that this group lost 22% more weight and 61% more body fat than another group of participants who ate the reduced-calorie diet without emphasizing calcium-rich foods. Even more impressive: the yogurt eaters also lost 81% more stomach fat.

More needs to be learned about the mechanism responsible for this increased loss of body fat, but in the meantime, consider giving yogurt a little more respect. At the very least, a light yogurt may help you stave off hunger due to its combination of protein and carbohydrate. Six ounces of plain, low-fat yogurt contains approximately 9 grams of protein, 12 grams of carbohydrates (from milk, not sugar), and 311 milligrams of calcium. It's also a great vehicle for healthy additives like fruit or omega-3-rich flaxseed.

5. Beans

Beans help you feel full longer, which means they may work to curb your between-meal appetite. They also give you a big fiber and protein bang for a minimum of calories. One-half cup of pinto beans or kidney beans has around 8 grams fiber and 7 grams of protein, all for about 110 calories.

6. Water

Water is a keeping-it-off superfood because it's a great alternative to other, calorie-containing beverages. When you drink beverages that have calories (say, fancy coffee drinks or sodas) you are not likely to compensate by eating less food. Mattes' research suggests that people who drink liquid carbohydrate (in the form of soda) are more likely to consume more calories than their bodies needs, compared with people who ate the same amount of solid carbohydrate (in the form of jelly beans).

Water is necessary for life, and you should be drinking it throughout the day. You can get your water via unsweetened tea, flavored unsweetened mineral water, regular water with lime or lemon, or cucumber. Even brewed coffee (especially decaf) counts if consumed in moderation.

7. Light Diet Shakes

While diet shakes are not the solution to weight loss or maintenance, research shows that they might help. Women who had lost weight on a reduced-calorie plan that included meal-replacement beverages maintained their losses after a year by drinking at least one diet shake a day in place of a meal, according to a study done by Clinical Research laboratories (and funded by Slim Fast Foods). The study authors concluded that the one-shake-a-day strategy might be helpful for people that have difficulty changing their eating habits.

Of course, it's hard to beat the convenience factor of diet shakes. If you go for a diet shake, choose types that have more fiber and less sugar.

8. High-Fiber, Whole-Grain Cereal

We've all seen those whole-grain cereal commercials ad nauseam. But the keeping-it-off potential value of a good whole-grain breakfast cereal is worth mentioning. Whole grains in general help boost fiber and the nutritional value of your meal, but many studies done on their relationship to weight loss have specifically involved breakfast cereals (many funded by cereal companies).

A Purdue University study suggested that having a portion-controlled serving of ready-to-eat cereal (with 2/3 cup skim milk plus a 100-calorie portion of fruit) as a meal replacement may promote weight loss. Other research that looked at data on over 27,000 men over an eight-year period found that as whole grain consumption went up, weight gain over time went down. Another study followed more than 74,000 women (aged 38-63) for a 12-year period and found that those with the greatest increase in dietary fiber gained an average of 3.3 fewer pounds than those with the smallest increase in fiber.

One of the easiest ways to give your daily diet a whole-grain boost is to have a bowl of higher-fiber whole-grain cereal as breakfast or a snack.

9. Grapefruit

Maybe there was something to the old grapefruit diet after all: A study found that grapefruit may help encourage weight loss and reduce the risk of developing type 2 diabetes.

Study participants who ate a grapefruit at each meal for 12 weeks lost an average of 3.6 pounds (some in the group lost as much as 10 pounds), while a comparison group that didn't eat grapefruit lost 1/2 pound, according to a recent pilot study by Scripps Clinic in San Diego. The researchers noticed that after the meals, the grapefruit eaters also had reduced levels of insulin and blood sugar.

The American Institute for Cancer Research notes that "there's no scientific evidence to support that grapefruit enzymes burn away fat." And according to the American Dietetic Association, "if you lose weight when you add grapefruit to your eating plan, it's probably because you're substituting it for another food that has more calories."

Of course, there's nothing wrong with that. One pink/red grapefruit takes a bit of time and effort to eat, and it adds 3.5 grams of fiber with only 74 calories. Keep in mind that grapefruit can interfere with the effectiveness of some medications, so check with your pharmacist if you're taking medication.

Saturday 13 June 2009

Vitamins & Water Or Vitamins And Water

Much of the following information comes from www.dailyspark.com :

' Eating a balanced diet every day is the best way to make sure you are getting the vitamins and minerals your body needs.

A multivitamin can be helpful in providing some "insurance" for those days when your food choices aren't the best.

Water regulates every function of our body, flushes out waste and toxins and transports nutrients. Since our bodies contain about 70% water, it is really important to drink water daily.

So what about the combination of vitamins and water together?

There are a couple advantages bottled vitamin water can provide. They provide some vitamins to your diet. A 16-20 oz bottle provides anywhere from 50-100% of various vitamins. If you do not tolerate taking pills, a liquid vitamin supplement might be of benefit.

The second advantage relates to those that are trying to give up soda but desire a sweet drink as they transition. 100% juice would be our recommendation but sweetened water can be an alternative as well. Many vitamin water choices provide half the calories and grams of carbohydrate compared to an equal serving of soda and they have the positive of also including vitamins that soda does not.

There are also disadvantages to vitamin water. The biggest disadvantage is that most still contain calories. Regular 16-20 oz bottles of vitamin water contain almost as many grams of sugar and calories as many 12 oz cans of soda. Lighter versions are better but many still contain crystalline fructose and other natural sweeteners which can keep you craving sweet foods and drinks which can lead to consuming more calories than intended.

Drinking bottled water is more expensive than drinking tap water and drinking bottled vitamin water is even more expensive.

Most people get enough vitamins from their diet so what they receive from vitamin water is unnecessary.

While vitamin water might be a healthier option than soda, we recommend you drink plain water which is the healthiest drink of all. '

And I agree.

Friday 12 June 2009

Gotta Love Consistency!

Being at the gym felt great this morning. It is when I am consistently going to the gym, consistently tracking what I eat and drink, and being consistent overall that I achieve great success. Not that changing things up can't also make a strong impact too, but with consistency you grow more confident and can achieve some really lofty goals.

At the gym this morning it was so nice seeing some familiar faces. These are the people who you see making progress, and though you may not interact with them directly because you're focusing on what you're doing, seeing these wonderful people can really uplift you.

I'm certainly feeling uplifted today. Gotta love consistency!

Thursday 11 June 2009

Five Small Steps

The following was written by Rachel Johnson, Ph.D., M.P.H., R.D., of EatingWell.com :

We all know and secretly resent them. They're fit and thin and slip effortlessly into clothes in the tiniest sizes. Unfortunately, I'm not one of them. For me, staying fit and at a healthy weight in middle age is an act of constant vigilance.

I suspect it's the same for most of us, no matter how easy it may appear to others. But this doesn't mean we have to be marathon runners or live on celery sticks. Small things we do every day can go a long way toward staying healthy. Once they're part of an everyday routine, they may indeed feel effortless. Here are a few things that work for me.

1. Take advantage of healthy convenience foods

I admit it: I pay extra for convenience foods when I know they'll help me eat nutritiously. I used to feel guilty when I bought those outrageously priced packages of vegetables that are washed, sliced and ready to go. No longer. When I get home from the office at 6 p.m., having these packages in the fridge can mean the difference between a healthy or not-so-healthy meal. What's more, by staying home and cooking rather than eating out, I've still saved money.

2. Schedule exercise and make it nonnegotiable

I'm amazed when high-powered, well-paid executives tell me they have no time for exercise. Who controls their lives? For years, I've set aside noon to 1:15 p.m. on my weekday calendar for exercise. Sure, things come up, but by scheduling it I consistently get in three to four days of noontime workouts every week. I'm also part of a group of women who have been exercising together for years. We have fun, and we keep each other motivated. We sometimes muse about what we'd all look like if we hadn't been sweating together all these years. I vary what I do to keep it interesting. Lately I'm spinning to music on a stationary bike, practicing yoga and running on the days I can't make it to the gym. I know I'm more productive, better able to handle stress and more content when I exercise.

3. Don't waste calories on bad food

Think about what you are eating. I was on an early-morning flight to Chicago not long ago and was served a croissant breakfast sandwich. Knowing it was loaded with calories, my first thought was to just eat half. I took a bite. The croissant was greasy and tough, the egg was tasteless and the ham was still frozen. Yuck. I decided to eat the honeydew and cantaloupe and skip the sandwich. I saved the tasteless calories for something more enjoyable later. Turned out that night

I had a fabulous meal in a great restaurant and knew I could indulge a bit because of the choice I made earlier in the day.

4. Never travel without workout clothes

When I pack for a trip, business or pleasure, the first things that go in my suitcase are sneakers and workout clothes. Yes, this means I can't cram everything into a carry-on, but I rarely have to wait more than a few minutes at baggage claim anyway. Having my workout clothes means that if the weather cooperates and the area is safe, I head out for a morning run. I travel to Washington, D.C., regularly and look forward to a run past the Washington Monument before my workday begins. If I can't get outside, I use the treadmill in the hotel gym. It's not my first choice, but the exercise helps keep me alert during long meeting-filled days.

5. Weigh yourself often

Research shows that people who weigh themselves regularly are more likely to be at a healthy weight. I weigh myself just about every morning. I try to use the scale at the same time every day for consistency (and besides, I weigh less in the morning). I know if I weigh myself often I can get on top of a two- or three-pound weight gain. But if three pounds turns into five or more, it becomes overwhelming. By the way, according to obesity experts, daily weighing does not promote eating disorders. Yes, people with anorexia weigh themselves obsessively—but the disease came first, not the weighing.

We all have tricks that work for us. My son Nicholas tries not to eat a serving of any one food that is larger than his fist. My husband's mantra is "Don't let your waist size get larger than your inseam"—easy for him to say at 6'4" tall. My beautiful friend Susan tries hard to eat only when she's truly hungry, knowing that's when food tastes best. The trick is establishing those small steps that work for you. Once they become routine, people might just start accusing you of being one of those people who are naturally fit and thin.

Sunday 7 June 2009

Snacking Healthy

The following comes from SparkPeople and can be read at http://www.sparkpeople.com/resource/nutrition_articles.asp?id=504

While some dieters happily accept when someone suggests a snack, others feel pangs of guilt when a nibble is merely suggested. However, there is nothing inherently wrong with a bite between meals. In fact, snacking might be the missing ingredient that will help you reach your weight loss goals.

But how can this make sense, since snacking theoretically adds calories?

Snacking doesn’t serve to replace a meal. In fact, you should spread meals and snacks out by an hour or two, and snacks should total a couple hundred calories or less.

Munching between meals can actually reduce your overall caloric intake by curbing overeating at your next meal. By controlling later binging, snacking can help you stay on track. You can actually use this to your advantage. If you know you are going out to a big dinner with friends later, for example, make sure you have a healthy snack before you head out so you’re less likely to order (and finish) a large entrĂ©e.

How You Snack Can Make or Break Your Diet

There is definitely a wrong way and a right way to snack. You should avoid sugary items like candy and soda, and shouldn’t be consuming enough calories to constitute a meal. Instead, steer towards foods that will satisfy you and keep you feeling fuller longer. Fruits and vegetables are always a safe bet because they are low in fat and calories. (Just be sure to avoid high-calorie dips.) Yogurt, fruit smoothies, even a slice of whole-wheat toast all make great snacks during the day. Combining lean protein, some healthy fat, and complex carbohydrates will help you feel fuller longer.

Mini Meals

Many experts are recommending several smaller meals throughout the day instead of the usual three. By eating at regular intervals, your blood sugar levels (and therefore your energy levels) remain stable. So, instead of that mid-afternoon crash, you’ll be full of vigor through dinnertime! Eating every few hours (especially if you chew on fruits and veggies) can also help add extra nutrition that might be missing from other meals.

Snacking Isn’t Grazing

Mindless eating is often the downfall of many snackers. You may start with only a handful of your favorite crackers, only to finish the entire box, without even thinking about it. Obviously, this example isn’t the healthy snacking that can help you reach your weight loss goals.

To avoid grazing:

- Fill a small plate with your snack, and leave the kitchen. Just walk away. When your plate is empty, snack time is over.
- Never bring the entire container with you in front of the television or computer. - Enjoy your snack without distraction and you won’t be tempted to reach for more.
- If you stand around the snack table chatting at a party, you may find yourself reaching for food when the conversation lulls. This can often lead to an unintentional binge because you simply aren’t paying attention to what you are eating.
- Limit yourself to a single serving.
- Plan out your snacks just like you would a meal. Is one cookie worth the calorie cost, when you could eat a plate of fresh fruit instead?

Practice Moderation

As with the rest of your diet, moderation is crucial when snacking. Make sure that you are adding every snack to your Nutrition Tracker, along with the larger meals you eat during the day. If you don’t keep track, you might add excess calories and fat to your diet without realizing it.

Don’t sabotage your diet with unhealthy nibbles throughout the day; stick to nourishing foods whenever possible. If you know you have a weakness for junk food, do yourself a favor and don’t purchase these items next time you are at the grocery store. Then you won’t have to fight the temptation of ice cream or potato chips when hunger pangs hit.

Saturday 6 June 2009

My Way

As I type today's blog entry I am riding my exercise bike while watching on my television, a live performance of Frank Sinatra performing his classic song 'My Way'.

The song 'My Way' very much looks back on one's life and observes that no matter what, one should live life their way and be proud. When it comes to fitness and nutrition you are going to hear contradicting views much of the time. What matters is that you do what works for you and do it your way.

Today I have a fairly busy day. Right after typing this blog entry I will be heading to the gym for my workout. Shortly after that I will be heading off to an acting class. And although I generally plan for the day ahead, I don't entirely know what will happen at the gym or my acting class. Something I do know however, is that no matter what does happen, it'll be done- my way.

Friday 5 June 2009

Some Things Old, Some Things New

This week has felt very much like a transition week- out with the old and in the new.

On screen I was sorry to see Lauren Conrad have her final episode of the MTV show 'The Hills'. She had chosen to make a change and move on. The show itself had chosen to move on as well and next season will feature Lauren's rival from 'Laguna Beach'. I personally felt saddened as I'd seen Lauren as a wonderful inspiration, and I'm sure her fans including me, will miss seeing her on 'The Hills'.

Last night was the beginning of the UK version of 'Big Brother'. After 10 years it has very much kept the same template while changing in some way each year. It is compulsive viewing each Summer, and I feel that whenever it begins each year Summer is truly here. It is during Summer that there really are no excuses anymore when it comes to fitness and nutrition. This is the time of year when you tend to show off your body more and you definitely should be looking your best. It is certainly the time when you want heads to turn when you walk on by, as others notice how attractive you look. Out with the old Winter blues you who maybe slacked a little when it came to fitness and nutrition earlier on in the year, and in with the new fit you.

As I entered my current local gym this morning, that in itself was now new. It had been expanded by one floor to include various new weight and cardio equipment. It of course did contain some of the old equipment. As I started to get used to the new equipment, it gave me the perfect opportunity to assess what changes I could make to my own training that would improve it. I also discovered what was already working well and didn't need to change.

I don't believe that it should be out with the old and in with the new. I believe that we should involve some things old, some things new. I for example own a wide range of select VHS video tapes that due to their exclusive nature and product of their time are highly unlikely to be released on DVD and Blu-Ray Disc. Am I getting rid of my old videos? No. New isn't always better.

So when it comes to your own fitness and nutrition, don't think about whether what you're doing is old or new, just pick the best, for you.

Wednesday 3 June 2009

Hunger Is Not An Emergency!

I am not the first person to quote "Hunger is NOT an emergency!". It is said to keep you motivated during weight loss. It also happens to be the truth.

There are people in third world countries who truly are starving, and for most of us that live in societies where food is plentiful- and those who are are saying things like "I'm famished" are being unbelievably selfish and insulting to those who really are hungry.

Assuming you've planned your meals you shouldn't feel hungry at all, but next time you should feel hungry, ride it out. If you're in a food plentiful society you will not starve. In fact, by waiting or simply drinking a glass or three of water you may find that hunger feeling going away pretty fast.

Hunger Is Not An Emergency!

Monday 1 June 2009

Celebrity Inspiration V: Will Smith

There are many celebrities that really value fitness and nutrition. Of these, there are a very select few, male and female, who I think are at the pinnacle of fitness and nutrition and are those who give me ideas and inspire me within my own fitness and nutrition. Today I am going to focus on 'I Am Legend' actor Will Smith.

Will Smith's weight appears to have varied substantially depending on the film role.

For 'Ali' he worked out 5 days a week with 1 to 2 body parts in each session. He also ran 5 miles a day and he boxed twice a week. As for his diet, he took high protein and carbohydrate diet to repair his muscles. Junk food was totally out. After 3 months, Smith’s bench press increased to 385 pounds, 35 pounds more than he did during his time in Ali movie. With his metabolic rate cranked up from the extra muscles, he slowly reduced his food intake to burn fat, but not eliminating carbs. His body still needed carbs to fuel his workout routine. At the end of six months, Smith’s body fat went down from 12 to 7.5 percentage.

For 'I Am Legend' he dropped about 20 pounds for an even leaner look. He also went for a low carb diet rather than a high carb one.

I personally prefer his look in 'I Am Legend' so would say that if you wish to put on weight eat a high carb diet, and if you wish to lose weight eat a low carb diet. Low carb it is then!

Besides Will Smith's evolving fitness and nutrition regime, the power of will is key to keeping you on track with your goals whether fitness/nutrition related or not. It takes a great deal of strong positive work ethic.

According to celebrity inspiration Will Smith himself: "I will NOT be outworked. Period... You might have more talent than me, you might be smarter than me, you might be sexier than me, you might be all of those things. You got it on me in nine categories. But if we get on the treadmill together, there's two things: Either you're getting off first, or I'm gonna die. It's really that simple."

There are many inspirations out there, celebrity and non-celebrity. Today I chose Will Smith but there are many more who inspire me that I will get onto in the future. It doesn't matter who inspires you. Even if it's simply yourself, feeling inspired can help you go above and beyond in all aspects of your life. Keep looking for inspiration and be an inspiration to others yourself. Feel inspired!