Monday 1 June 2009

Celebrity Inspiration V: Will Smith

There are many celebrities that really value fitness and nutrition. Of these, there are a very select few, male and female, who I think are at the pinnacle of fitness and nutrition and are those who give me ideas and inspire me within my own fitness and nutrition. Today I am going to focus on 'I Am Legend' actor Will Smith.

Will Smith's weight appears to have varied substantially depending on the film role.

For 'Ali' he worked out 5 days a week with 1 to 2 body parts in each session. He also ran 5 miles a day and he boxed twice a week. As for his diet, he took high protein and carbohydrate diet to repair his muscles. Junk food was totally out. After 3 months, Smith’s bench press increased to 385 pounds, 35 pounds more than he did during his time in Ali movie. With his metabolic rate cranked up from the extra muscles, he slowly reduced his food intake to burn fat, but not eliminating carbs. His body still needed carbs to fuel his workout routine. At the end of six months, Smith’s body fat went down from 12 to 7.5 percentage.

For 'I Am Legend' he dropped about 20 pounds for an even leaner look. He also went for a low carb diet rather than a high carb one.

I personally prefer his look in 'I Am Legend' so would say that if you wish to put on weight eat a high carb diet, and if you wish to lose weight eat a low carb diet. Low carb it is then!

Besides Will Smith's evolving fitness and nutrition regime, the power of will is key to keeping you on track with your goals whether fitness/nutrition related or not. It takes a great deal of strong positive work ethic.

According to celebrity inspiration Will Smith himself: "I will NOT be outworked. Period... You might have more talent than me, you might be smarter than me, you might be sexier than me, you might be all of those things. You got it on me in nine categories. But if we get on the treadmill together, there's two things: Either you're getting off first, or I'm gonna die. It's really that simple."

There are many inspirations out there, celebrity and non-celebrity. Today I chose Will Smith but there are many more who inspire me that I will get onto in the future. It doesn't matter who inspires you. Even if it's simply yourself, feeling inspired can help you go above and beyond in all aspects of your life. Keep looking for inspiration and be an inspiration to others yourself. Feel inspired!

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