Friday 5 June 2009

Some Things Old, Some Things New

This week has felt very much like a transition week- out with the old and in the new.

On screen I was sorry to see Lauren Conrad have her final episode of the MTV show 'The Hills'. She had chosen to make a change and move on. The show itself had chosen to move on as well and next season will feature Lauren's rival from 'Laguna Beach'. I personally felt saddened as I'd seen Lauren as a wonderful inspiration, and I'm sure her fans including me, will miss seeing her on 'The Hills'.

Last night was the beginning of the UK version of 'Big Brother'. After 10 years it has very much kept the same template while changing in some way each year. It is compulsive viewing each Summer, and I feel that whenever it begins each year Summer is truly here. It is during Summer that there really are no excuses anymore when it comes to fitness and nutrition. This is the time of year when you tend to show off your body more and you definitely should be looking your best. It is certainly the time when you want heads to turn when you walk on by, as others notice how attractive you look. Out with the old Winter blues you who maybe slacked a little when it came to fitness and nutrition earlier on in the year, and in with the new fit you.

As I entered my current local gym this morning, that in itself was now new. It had been expanded by one floor to include various new weight and cardio equipment. It of course did contain some of the old equipment. As I started to get used to the new equipment, it gave me the perfect opportunity to assess what changes I could make to my own training that would improve it. I also discovered what was already working well and didn't need to change.

I don't believe that it should be out with the old and in with the new. I believe that we should involve some things old, some things new. I for example own a wide range of select VHS video tapes that due to their exclusive nature and product of their time are highly unlikely to be released on DVD and Blu-Ray Disc. Am I getting rid of my old videos? No. New isn't always better.

So when it comes to your own fitness and nutrition, don't think about whether what you're doing is old or new, just pick the best, for you.

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