Friday 26 June 2009

Reasons To Spin

Spinning is an indoor group cycling class. Here are a few reasons to try a Spin class. Much of the following has been adapted from :

Burn Extra Calories - Spinning classes help motivate you to work harder and get a better workout (which means better results and higher calorie burn) than you may do on your own if you're not the most focused individual.

Give Your Joints A Break - Spinning is a low-impact cardio exercise, which means it's easier on your joints, including your knees and ankles, than many other forms of cardio. Many people who are rehabilitating injuries or recovering from surgeries are advised to try low-impact forms of exercise (like biking or Spinning) in lieu of jarring activities like running. If you have an upper body injury, you can still ride the bike and get a good workout. Even if you don't have joint issues now, it's a good idea to alternate your high-impact exercises with some low- and no-impact exercises like Spinning to avoid overuse injuries and give those vulnerable joints a break every so often.

Stay in Control - How many group workouts have you ever tried that can easily seamlessly accommodate beginners, people with injuries, hardcore exercisers, young and old, and advanced exercisers in a single room? Possibly, not many. That is the beauty of Spinning: It's something everyone can do. You should think of your Spinning instructor as a friendly guide for your workout. He or she usually has a general plan in terms of movements, intensity changes and pace, but really, YOU are the one in control. You decide how much resistance to add, how fast to pedal, and how hard to work. This means that people of all fitness levels can take the same class and all get a great workout.

Enjoy the Great Indoors - Many people love biking— and the benefits it provides as a great cardio workout with low-impact on the joints— but don't love biking in traffic on the streets. Spinning will provide the same benefits without the uneasiness of cycling in a high-traffic area that's unfriendly to bikes. If seasonal allergies or extreme weather (too hot or too cold) forces you to take your outdoor workouts inside, Spinning is a great alternative.

Feel the Energy - It can be a positive, high-energy atmosphere that can motivate you to push yourself and make you feel good about working out. It makes the whole workout experience more fun— and helps you feel connected with the people around you, like you're all in it together. Remember that Spinning is non-competitive. Harness that energy around you and within you for a great workout that you can feel good about!

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