Wednesday 24 June 2009

Celebrity Inspiration VI: Michelle Pfeiffer

There are many celebrities that really value fitness and nutrition. Of these, there are a very select few, male and female, who I think are at the pinnacle of fitness and nutrition and are those who give me ideas and inspire me within my own fitness and nutrition. Today I am going to focus on 'Hairspray' actress Michelle Pfeiffer.

Whenever you see someone on the red carpet and they have a swelte body, unless they are very young and gifted with super genes, that means they are working hard each and every day. They are going the extra mile, maybe sacrificing their favorite sweet foods and time. These people are an inspiration to us. What may seem extreme to you in regards to how hard they workout, may be normal to them as this is their lifestyle. Or maybe they are an athlete, or a fitness model who needs to be in photoshoot much of the time. They are people who very much need to be in great shape.
Michelle Pfeiffer is one such celebrity inspiration.

In the words of Michelle Pfeiffer:

"There are women who just genetically have beautiful bodies - it seems to us they don’t have to work out. I personally have to work at it. I’m doing all the right things. I do cardio and strength training, a little bit of weights. I mix it up, but I can’t push myself the way I used to."

In regards to her own age and feeling and dressing differently at 50, Michelle Pfeiffer adds:

"I can’t wear a skirt that’s too short anymore. It’s not that my legs are bad, it just look silly. I feel less pressure to dress youthfully. I’m 50 and everyone knows I’m 50 - who are you kidding? Jeans are my uniform. I have about 15 pairs."

Michelle Pfeiffer is indeed an inspiration. Just watch the movie 'Hairspray' as an example.

There are many inspirations out there, celebrity and non-celebrity. Today I chose Michelle Pfeiffer but there are many more who inspire me that I will get onto in the future. It doesn't matter who inspires you. Even if it's simply yourself, feeling inspired can help you go above and beyond in all aspects of your life. Keep looking for inspiration and be an inspiration to others yourself. Feel inspired!

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