Saturday 20 June 2009


Yesterday in London I attended a writing masterclass led by successful writer Tony Jordan at the Theatre Royal Haymarket. Tony Jordan is known for being a former head writer on the British soap opera 'Eastenders', the creator of television series 'Hustle', and co-creator of the television series 'Life On Mars'.

During the class, one point Tony Jordan focused on was character, and what defines character. He demonstrated using water bottles that all you need to create a successful story is an objective for the character to try and attain, and a number of obstacles that you put between the character and the objective. It is how the character deals with these obstacles that define his character. For example, if he gives up, he may be a coward, if he works his way around an obstacle he may be smart, if he pushes the onstacle straight down he may be a very direct kind of character.

When working out and eating healthy, unless you have some personal, severe, physical and mental limitations, you are in control. There are no excuses. The only one you can really blame for your success or not is you. It is completely down to your own character. Do you get things done? Or don't you?

What is your character?

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