Tuesday 23 June 2009

Dealing With Temptation

Here are a few suggestions for dealing with food and drink temptations:

- When feeling stressed, instead of reaching for the nearest unhealthy and sweet food-like substance, take a deep breath. Calm yourself down. In for 4. Hold for 4. Out for 4.

- When ordering pizza, request half or light cheese.

- Replace a meal with a tomato-based soup. It's low calorie and filling.

- Phone a friend. Hopefully if they're a good friend, maybe they'll distract you from temptation. Of course if they're not a good friend they could inspire temptation, so watch out for that.

- When craving something creamy, choose fat free yogurt.

- Out of sight, out of mind. Clear your kitchen of any temptations and substitute with healthy alternatives.

- Distance yourself from temptation.

- Brush your teeth. Minty freshness is a powerful thing.

- Track your calories.

- If you eat meat, try being a vegetarian for two days a week.

- Drink water. You may be thirsty and not hungry.

- Don't fry food. Ever.

- Remember that you don't have to eat everything on the plate if you don't want to.

- Pack your Gym bag the day before. You are then obligated to go to the gym.

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