Monday 24 August 2009

Building Muscle Mass

Although I agree with most points, I'm not sure I agree entirely with all of the following muscle building tips from Mun Fitness Blog. However since I consider myself to primarily know more about weight loss, perhaps the advice may be appropriate for you:

Muscle Building Tips

- Go for compound exercises. Do less isolation exercises like dumbbell concentration curls, triceps kick backs, etc. Stick to bench press, pull-up, squat, dead lift, etc...

- Do between 8 and 10 repetitions in each set of the compound exercise. If you are able to do 15 repetitions, it is time to increase the weight.

- Split your workout to train no more than two muscle groups each session. Train each body part once per week, but make sure you are working hard enough. Give enough time for your muscle to recover. Moreover, if it is still sore, you will not be able to lift heavy enough to grow your muscle.

- Make sure your form is correct. Do not compromise the form because of your weight. Proper technique is not only important for your safety, but it is also the key to muscle growth.

- Remember, the goal is to increase muscle mass. So, we need to lift more weight. Always try and beat your previous workout in terms of weight, if possible. Challenge yourself.

- Throughout your training period, eat enough with 5 to 6 meals a day. You do not have to eat a lot, just enough.

- Ensure all meals are healthy. No junk food. Forget about ice cream, chocolate, french fries and even soda drink. Avoid beer, hard liquor as well as coffee. Instead, drink enough pure water every day.

- Get enough rest with at least 8 hours of sleep.

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