Friday 28 August 2009

Things To Do To Screw With People At The Gym

Here is a list of things you can do to mess with people while at the gym*. A demonstration video is attached.

* Note that you actually shouldn't do the following things:

- Offer To Spot Strangers. Then discourage their efforts.

- Eye barbell menacingly, crank your neck, strike your chest and exhale forcefully to "psych yourself up." Do this for 10 minutes without ever actually lifting the bar.

- Shoulder press revealing preposterously dirty pits.

- Shoulder press revealing preposterously bloody pits. - Spot with religious overtones.

- Misuse equipment.

- Grow increasingly frustrated.

- Continue to misuse apparatus in impossible ways.

- Run in place.

- Skip in place.

- Hump in place.

- Wear a ridiculous amount of pads... the pool.

- Exhibit a wildly joyous smile while lifting.

- Sing way too loudly along with your iPod. Or without your iPod.

- Return absurd items to the Lost and Found.

- Get philosophical while spotting.

- Get a little too friendly.

- Get way too friendly.

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