Saturday 22 August 2009

A French Diet?

Apparently, french women don't get fat, despite eating potentially fatty foods like bread and pastry. I have no idea if this is true, but the article I read about it was something I found fascinating. I've put some key points that the article makes below, but to view the full information yourself, feel free to visit

Key Points

- Eat sitting down.
- Eat With Your Senses.
- Eat for pleasure and don't feel obligated or guilty for doing so.
- Diets don't work.
- Don't eat more than you need.
- Downsize your portions by 10-40%.
- Reduce portions slowly.
- Eat slowly.
- Don't drink milk by itself- only have it in custards, desserts and yogurt.
- Have yogurt for breakfast.
- If you have balanced meals you don't need a multivitamin.
- Every time you drink one glass of water you set your metabolism in motion and you lose 20 to 50 calories.
- If you eat too much on one day, have yogurt and/or soup only on the next day.
- Eat chocolate but only small amounts.
- Eat Organic Natural Yogurt.

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