Wednesday 5 August 2009


Failure can be a great teacher. It is something we should not be afraid of. However because so many people are afraid of failure it can prevent them from achieving their goals and dreams.

There are some people however who are resilient. The wonderful ability these type of people have is self-esteem. If you can build someone's self-esteem up, you can help them come through any failure and realize it's not a reflection on who they are as people, and that each failure is simply a lesson to be learned. With strong self-esteem and confidence, a person can take the hits that failure provides and grow as people.

Failures don't define people. How you respond to failures and setbacks is what defines you, and is your legacy. It's up to you to think about what you are responsible for and what you can improve upon and what you can change for the next time. And rather than get upset and judge yourself too harshly, sometimes having a sense of humor can help. What doesn't kill you will only make you stronger. There is no need to be ashamed of your failures.

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