Wednesday 12 August 2009

Stress and Emotional Eating

The following comes from Jillian Michaels, a trainer on television show 'The Biggest Loser':

' When Hurricane Katrina hit Keri's town, the stress of not knowing what was going on with her house and living in a hotel for more than a month drove her to overeat, and she quickly put on 15 pounds. Regardless of what is going on in your life, I don't want you to use food as a release from stress or to make yourself feel better. Eating right and fitting in a good workout will ultimately make you feel better than trying to solve emotional problems by eating. At the end of the day, life sometimes just sucks in a way that can't be reasoned with or rationalized. Emotional eating is not the answer — the key is to take care of yourself with a strategy that is life-affirming, not self-destructive. To succeed in the weight-loss game, you have to establish healthier patterns. '

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