Tuesday 25 August 2009

A Little Under The Weather Gym Time - Fantastic!

This morning I attended a Spin class with my favorite trainer at my current gym. She is a highly motivated individual, inspires you to do your best, and grow to be as strong and as fit a person as you can be. This is a trainer who has helped me become a better runner by applying the breathing techniques she uses in her Pilates classes, Pilates of which is her key specialty. I am always thankful to this trainer for her saying "hi" to me each time I see her, her constant friendliness and her inspiration. She is someone I am accountable to when I go to the gym, in that I regularly attend all of the gym classes specifically run by her, and her everyday friendliness is an invigorating breath of fresh air, and she is more than deserving of my praise.

Today unfortunately, my favorite gym trainer wasn't feeling very well. She admitted before the class that she was feeling a little under the weather and kinda run down. She apologized in advance should she be holding back a little. Then the Spin class went on and was as fantastic as all of her gym classes.

It was like being brave. When you're brave, it doesn't necessarily mean you're not afraid of something, it just means you have the courage to overcome that something anyway.

My favorite gym trainer was feeling under the weather, and not only did she have style by simply showing up for the class, but she ran it at her regular high standard. Note that my favorite gym trainer was running a class and not walking around the gym constantly. Some could argue that when you're ill you shouldn't go the gym to avoid spreading any infectious germs and that your body needs to rest and recuperate. These points are true and need considering, however whether or not you are feeling under the weather which could simply mean you need to ease off a bit or are really ill, what you are responsible for to yourself and others around you, is for you to decide.

Today my favorite trainer chose to come in to the gym. I would have missed her if she didn't come in and I'm glad she did. So yes- today I had a little under the weather gym time- it was fantastic!

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