Tuesday 4 August 2009

Judge And Jury

When I arrived at the gym this morning I found that the rower was not in working order... again! So I called over the head Fitness Instructor to help me fix it. And indeed after a few minutes he had the rower working, at least for the time being until it gets fixed permanently. Unfortunately the whole process had delayed my workout by 10-15 minutes which would make me late for my Spin class that I currently incorporate into my workout on a Tuesday. Therefore, to make sure I didn't let the trainer who ran the Spin class down by being late, I had to compromise my workout by cutting out two exercises. Was I happy about this? Absolutely not! I made it very clear to the head Fitness Instructor through my attitude during the rest of my workout that I was very disappointed.

Being that I go to the gym often, I find myself judging the environment I'm working out in. I regularly question the gym trainers and I am very open about what I think of their classes. And for the most part, they welcome my feedback.

Now judging others is not always ideal and can be misinterpreted and come across as negative. I would never judge what any other member does at the gym for example. I would need to know their individual goals and situations to even offer an opinion. However when it comes to the gym I am working out in, it is completely my perogative to be judge and jury. After all, I wish to work out in an environment where the gym is in working order; where the trainers are positive, make it happen, and are excited by what they do, and lift you up rather than bring you down; and where I can feel truly comfortable.

Time will tell as to how I continue to do at my current gym, but don't be afraid to be judge and jury yourself about anything in your life. You choose which people to surround yourself with. You are the sum of the choices you make. And being judge and jury allows you to make the right choices for you. So do it in a positive way, but feel free to be judge and jury.

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