Saturday 25 April 2009

3 Six-Pack Suggestions

There are various tips and advice out there for perfecting those abdominal muscles, some of which I don't entirely support. Here are some tips and my thoughts:

1. Eat a low amount of carbs per day.

This is something I do agree with. In liaison with having a calorie deficit this is probably the next best nutrition advice for getting and maintaining a six-pack.

2. Do abdominal exercises every day.

The actual known tip is NOT to work your abdominal muscles every day. I think that if possible you should in fact try to work them each day. There are concerns in the fitness industry that you may also overcrowd the abdominal musicle area by doing too many ab exercises. I think this is highly unlikely and not everyone when they do ab exercises will do it with maximum intensity every single time and so this will also prevent you from overworking those abs. I'd say, don't feel bad if you can't work your abdominal muscles each day, and do feel free to take a break, however I find from personal experience that when eating the right nutrition my abs are much more ripped when exercised each day as I am sculpting them into shape, and keeping them there.

3. Use a heavy weight on the abs.

When I really want those abs to pop I grab a 20lb or 25lb weight, put it on my chest or stomach depending on the size of the weight, and get to work on those crunches. Great for high definition of a different kind.

Consider these suggestions yourself. Perhaps you could trial it out for a week. See how it works for you.

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