Wednesday 29 April 2009

A Greater Reward

Sometimes you may feel compelled to reach for that unhealthy snack. After all it can be convenient and tastes great. A great reward right?

Now I could lie to you and preach that an unhealthy snack is not rewarding due to the lack of nutrients, high fat, high carbs and high calories, and that the seemingly rewarding feeling is only temporary and is often followed by guilt. Chances are you know this and will reach for that unhealthy snack anyway.

To get out of this habit I'd recommend focusing on a greater reward. That greater reward is that feeling you get come Summer time, when people start to notice that you're looking kinda buff, pretty darn fit in fact- all because you made the right choice not to eat that unhealthy snack. You can step out into the big bright world with confidence knowing that you are hot! That greater reward also extends to you knowing that due to your eating healthy lifestyle, you will be living a much longer, much more active, much for rewarding life.

That fit and healthy feeling is truly a greater reward. Much better than any unhealthy snack any and every day of the week and of your life.

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