Thursday 30 April 2009

Slim & Trim Tips

Here are a few tips to help you stay slim and trim.

1. Pay Attention

This means using your own common sense regarding nutrition. Read labels. Choose skimmed milk over full fat milk. Eat fruit ahd vegetables. Avoid sugar. Remember that low fat is not fat free amd that fat free is not calorie free.

2. Portion Control

This means too much of anything is not good for you. Weigh your food to make sure you sre being accurate and not guessing. Eat a small healthy snack before going out to a party so you don't overindulge at the party.

3. Quality Over Quantity

This means where possible eating organically and/or cleanly. It also means that you can feel free to try certain new foods if they look good to you, but don't feel obligated to finish it if you don't really like it and know it's not healthy for you.

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