Tuesday 7 April 2009

Fat Loss Tips

The following Fat Loss Tips come from Adam Stowell of my current local gym:

Ensure you look your best on the beach this summer!

For fat loss you should be careful of the simple sugars in your diet these can be found in white bread, white potato and sweets. I mention sweets because the effect that sweets have on your blood sugar levels is roughly the same as white bread – shocking I know!

Basically when we eat simple sugars such as white bread our bodies quickly release lots of insulin in a bid to convert the sugars to energy any energy that is not used by our muscles or stored in our liver will be stored as fat. A simple way of reducing fat especially abdominal fat is to follow a low Gi eating plan.

Increase metabolism, train smart! Resistance training, early morning sessions and training variety are all key to improving ones metabolism and therefore creating a fat burning machine within your body.

Protein is important in every cell of the body. Your body needs and uses protein to build and repair tissues; the body also uses proteins to make hormones, enzymes and other body chemicals. With a fat loss goal, aim for 1-1.5 grams of protein per kg of bodyweight, for example if you weigh 70kg then aim for 70-105grams of protein per day.

Combine high intensity training and longer endurance routines. Combining classes such as spinning which is high intensity with classes such as run club or body tone which are longer endurance routines will help burn off calories and blast fat stores in your body. Or why not try this routine in the gym.

Brick Training. Cycle 3 minutes intensely followed directly by rowing 3 minutes flat out, complete 2-3 sets for an intense calorie burn.

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