Thursday 9 April 2009

The Hunger - Fullness Scale

The following came from Calorie Count - A Free Service of Health. Ponder it as I hope you have a Happy Easter!

The Hunger – Fullness Scale

Hunger and fullness exist on a continuum. The scale ranges from “0” ravenous, to “10” uncomfortably overstuffed, almost sick. A “5” is neutral, neither hungry nor full.

Before, during and after you eat, or whenever you get the idea, use the scale to rate your physical hunger and fullness. Take the time to get to know the scale, and use it to navigate your eating behavior.

How to do it

- Whenever you want to eat, close your eyes, listen to your body, and rate your hunger from 0 to 10.
- Eating at a hunger level of 2 or 3 is appropriate. That’s between moderate and significant hunger, not yet famished. You’re likely to overeat when you’re ravenous, at 0 to 1.
- Slow down while eating and take a half-time break to give your body time to realize that you’ve eaten.
- Try stopping at a fullness level of 7 or 8 out of 10. That’s moderately to comfortably full, and it should keep you satisfied for several hours.

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