Sunday 26 April 2009

London Marathon Motivation

I felt proud as I headed for the gym today. It's because I had been considering taking a day off, but had still gone anyway.

What inspired me to go was thinking of the London Marathon that happened today. All those runners of different levels taking part in a 26 mile run. It didn't matter about winning. It was simply having the energy and willpower to motivate themselves to take part in a sports activity for charity. Not only were they helping themselves physically by exercising, they were thinking of others- henceforth the charity part.

Although me going to the gym isn't helping charity it is helping myself physically. I was able to get in an extra weight workout which felt fantastic. I also know that I can and do help charity in various other ways, so I didn't feel guilty about simply helping myself at the gym.

Of course helping yourself and charity together is truly a magnificent thing, and so I have nothing but admiration for all those that took part in the London Marathon today.

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