Friday 3 July 2009

Abs Workout - Plank

The following comes from :

Plank is a good abdominal workout. Unlike crunches which abs is facing ceiling, in plank, your stomach is facing toward the floor. Plank does not only strengthen the abdominal muscles, it also improves the back and butt too.


1. Face down on the floor and support your body with forearms and knees.
2. Raise your body. Support your body with toes and resting on the elbows.
3. Keep your back in straight line and flat like plank. Do not stick your butt up.
4. Contract your abdominal muscles.
5. Hold as long as you can. Then lower yourself back down.
6. Repeat another 3 to 5 times.


- For beginner, hold the position for few seconds and gradually increase to 10, 20, 30 and finally 60 seconds.
- You may want to start beside a mirror to ensure your form is correct. It is important to maintain a flat line from your shoulders to your feet.

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