Monday 27 July 2009

Weight Loss Magic Part 1

There are so many weight loss tips out there, from the internet to podcasts to magazines to books to DVDs to other avenues of information gathering. With so much information, sometimes things get diluted, or information contradicts itself. I've therefore decided to focus the next few days of the Fitness & Nutrition Lifestyle blog on not only what it really takes to achieve weight loss but how you can achieve big-time major weight loss if you need to. When I say big-time major weight loss I mean, at least 25 lbs. It's also what I call Weight Loss Magic. It will be a 3 part trilogy, as with all good trilogies ('Scary Movie 4' not included). The information will come from the aforementioned avenues of information and I will offer my own insight too. I am not by any means an expert, however you may find that what has worked for me, may work for you.

So let's get started...

Here's what you need to know or do to achieve weight loss magic-

- Be positive!

You can't go in thinking it won't happen. Self-Belief can get you very far in life, much further than you think possible, so ignore any pessimistic people around you that simply give you negative and wrong advice. Stay positive!

- Listen!

Listen to what trainers at the gym tell you. Obviously you need to use your own common sense which will tell you if the trainer really knows what they're talking about. Beyond that, trainers at the gym are usually well trained and are full of fitness and nutrition knowledge that you may be unaware of.

- Lifestyle, Not Diet!

A diet tends to have a beginning and an end. Then once it's ended you may go back to your former bad habits and end up regaining the weight. So make a lifestyle change that you can maintain for the rest of your life, then you'll never be on a diet again.

- Be Sincere!

Don't lie to yourself. Don't do silly things like burn 200 calories and then have a 200 calorie energy drink. You simply wasted your time and simply lied to yourself. Simply don't do it.

- Make It Happen!

There are many things in life that are out of our control. Your own weight loss is completely within your control. If you put on weight, you have no one to blame but yourself. If you lose weight in a healthy way, then you can congratulate and feel good about yourself.

- Be Kind And Grateful!

Being thankful to those that inspire you and those that are kind to you, is a wonderful way of being appreciative. It will make them feel good and you feel good, and by following their lead by being kind to others yourself, you get to spread the goodness and happiness around. Just last week, I saw one girl at my gym turn a treadmill on for another girl who due to her size may have had a problem finding the on switch below the machine. This was a true act of kindness, and though I wasn't a part of the event, from afar I was inspired.

- Address It Or Forget It!

Sometimes there are things in your life that clutter up your life and are basically distractions. These could be simple things like an untidy bedroom. I recommend you tidy that bedroom as soon as possible. In addition to giving you a great sense of satisfaction, it will also help you clear your mind so you can be free to focus on what you need to do. Address it or forget it!

- Have A Plan And A Goal!

Once you know what weight you want to achieve, then make a plan to achieve that weight loss goal. Unless you happen to be a model, actor or athlete, how long it takes is up to you, so feel free to take small or big steps at your own pace. Just make sure that you aren't coasting, otherwise you could end up falling backwards. In the words of Rocky Balboa- "Keep moving forward. That's how winning is done!"

- Strive For Perfection And Achieve Excellence!

Some misguided people may tell you that perfection doesn't exist and that there is no need to be perfect. I would say that what defines perfection is completely up to you, and that by striving for an extremely lofty goal can help you overcome many many smaller goals. So if you have what others consider to be an unrealistic idea of perfection, just ignore them. You may get your idea of perfection, you may not, but by going for it regardless, you will most definitely achieve excellence.

- It's Not Over 'Til It's Over!

Should you happen to go off the rails slightly nutrition-wise on a given day, there is no need to consider the day a loss. You can still eat healthy for the rest of the day. Just work that little bit harder when it comes to fitness the next day.

- Water Loss Does Not Mean Fat Loss!

You will hear many a time of the myth that heavier people will lose more weight. Much of this weight loss will be water, so yes they are technically losing weight, however this is not fat loss. If you want to look lean you need to have a low fat body percentage.

- A Plateau Is An Adjustment!

The human body is not always static. It does not move in a straight line. Sometimes you'll lose more weight one day and less weight another day even if you eat precisely the same amount of calories. There is no need to feel bad. You need to see how much weight your losing over a longer average amount of time. This could be anywhere between a week and a month. If it's longer than that, then you might want to reassess your weight loss strategy.

- Don't Rely On The Scale!

If your clothes are fitting really well, you're feeling light and looking good in your own body, don't worry how much you weigh.

- Genes Do And Don't Matter!

You can't change certain genetics like how tall you. However if you were to compare yourself to a parent when you are both the same body fat percentage, and then you lose weight, you will look different. You are not restricted by your genes. So don't think that because a parent of yours is fat, you have to be too. You can be as lean as your natural body shape. Don't be afraid to work out and cut calories enough to cut through that fat and achieve your desired result.

- We Can All Lose Weight!

If you were stuck on a desert island and you didn't eat for two years, you would lose weight. So don't ever think you can't lose weight (and don't think you have to be stuck on a desert island and not eat for two years to achieve weight loss either).

- Eat Low Fat!

Some may tell you that fat doesn't make you fat. That may be so, it may not, but consuming too many calories will definitely make you fat since there are more calories in fat than protein, carbs, etc...

- Surround Yourself With Success!

Whether it be reading information online, or being around fit friends, surround yourself with those that inspire you to success. Just yesterday I was attending some dance classes at Pineapple Dance Studios in London and I was surrounded by some very fit dancers. This was further confirmation that if I want to continue looking hot like those dancers around me, I need to continue being successful with my fitness and nutrition lifestyle.

Speaking of continuing, this extended blog entry will resume in Weight Loss Magic Part 2.

To Be Continued...

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