Thursday 30 July 2009

Organic Food No Healthier?

I read the following article in UK newspaper the Daily Express today. It can also be read at and may lead you to re-thinking whether or not you choose Organic:

Eating organic food in the belief it is good for your health is a waste of money, new research shows.

Buying organic costs families 70 per cent more than standard groceries.

But shoppers filling their baskets with organic fruit, veg, milk, eggs and meat thinking that they are packed with more nutritional goodness are wrong.

The Food Standards Agency has concluded that there are no health benefits in going organic.

The agency revealed its verdict yesterday after a year-long review of all organic food research published over the last 50 years – the most authoritative investigation yet into organics.

Critics immediately slammed the £2.1billion a year organic food industry for misleading consumers – and especially concerned parents – about the health benefits of their produce.

The agency’s researchers found conclusively that expensive organic goods contain no more health-boosting nutrients than crops, meat and dairy products produced in the normal way.

Caroline Boin, researcher at the International Policy Network charity, said parents in particular had been under intense pressure to pay extra for organic food because it was healthier.

“For a long time people, and especially parents, who haven’t been able to afford organic food have been made to feel they are not feeding their children the best food or are feeding them rubbish. Studies like this can really put those fears to rest,” she said.

“People have been made to feel guilty and that for me is a disgusting thing to make people feel they are not feeding their children healthy food.”

Experts at the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine, who carried out the £120,000 year-long study for the Food Standards Agency, trawled through 52,000 pieces of previous research to determine the health implications of eating organic. They rejected earlier claims that organic food had more nutritional content, like extra vitamin C, calcium and iron than ordinary food and concluded it was no better for consumer health.

Dr Alan Dangour, who led the research, said: “Our review demonstrates there are no important differences between organic and conventionally-produced food in their nutrient content. If you buy organic food because you believe it to be enhanced in nutrient content there is no evidence to support that.”

Organic food in the UK has ballooned from a niche industry into a big business which generated sales of £2.1billion in 2008.

But buying the 10 most popular supermarket organic groceries, including bread, milk, eggs, tea and mince beef, costs £27.95 compared to £16.52 for the same non-organic goods, analysis carried out by comparison site MySupermarket found.

Some products can cost much more. Non-organic broccoli costs just £1.68 per kg but the organic version costs £3.65 per kg .

MySupermarket spokesman Jonny Steel said: “Organic produce costs an average of 69 per cent more than non-organic items, so it’s up to every individual shopper to decide if they want to pay this premium.” The FSA’s dietary health director Gill Fine said the food watchdog was neither for nor against organic food. This study does not mean that people should not eat organic food, she explained.

“What it shows is that there is little, if any, nutritional difference between organic and conventionally produced food and that there is no evidence of additional health benefits from eating organic food.”

Researchers did find some evidence of higher acidity in organic fresh produce which may make it taste different, but this has no health implications. Many shoppers buy organic because of animal welfare and environmental issues or to avoid pesticides, but these issues were not considered by the Food Standards Agency research remit.

British Nutrition Foundation senior nutrition scientist Lisa Miles said some consumers had been confused by the ethical and health issues surrounding organic food.

“We need to disentangle which are ethical issues and which are nutritional issues.

“Consumers have been confused but this is why the FSA has commissioned this work to settle the score. It should really set the record straight,” she said.

The Soil Association, which certifies organic food produced in the UK, reacted with disappointment.

Association policy director Peter Melchett pointed out the study’s absence of any research into pesticides and said: “Consumers who purchase organic products are not just buying food which has not been covered in pesticides, they are supporting a system that has the highest welfare standards for animals, bans routine use of antibiotics and increases wildlife on farms.”

But Martin Rigall, chief executive of the Processed Vegetable Growers’ Association, welcomed the research findings,

“We have certainly never ever seen any evidence that organic is healthier or indeed better for the environment.

“I am pleased that they have confirmed that evaluation once and for all,” he said.

A spokesman for the National Farmers’ Union commented: “We have always said that both conventional and organic food produced in this country is equally healthy.”

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