Friday 17 July 2009

Grapefruit And Spice

Here are a couple of Slimming suggestions which come from Oxygen magazine:


- Just half a grapefruit before each meal (sans a high-caloric sugar topping of course – try a teaspoon of agave nectar instead) could help speed up your fat loss, according to a 2006 study in the Journal of Medicinal Food. People who did this for a 12-week period lost three and a half pounds versus those who decided to forego the grapefruit before meals.


- Spice up your fat burning. Studies show that cayenne pepper not only improves circulation and digestion, but also has thermogenic effects, meaning that it increases your body’s core temperature, thereby increasing metabolism. An increased metabolism aids in fat loss. It won’t make miracles happen, but it’s a good idea to add it to your menu.

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