Tuesday 14 July 2009

A Winning Attitude

Typical characteristics of a winning attitude include the ability to be:

- Optimistic enough to put in an honest effort and see what happens.

You shouldn't be negative about anything. Only positive.

- Stay focused on what you 'can' do.

It doesn't matter what you can't do. Just focus on doing your best and challenging yourself.

- Patient enough to take things one decision (and one day) at a time.

Losing a lot of weight does not happen in one night. There is no need to check yourself out in the mirror every day and let it affect your motivation negatively. Give it time.

- See mistakes and problems as learning opportunities.

Don't be demoralized. Take what you learn on board and use it make you better at whatever you do.

When it comes to having a winning attitude you shouldn't put yourself down or hold yourself back. If for example you happen to go over your calorie budget for the day, there is no need to feel guilty. Just workout harder the next day to make up for it. There is no need to put temptation in front of you. If you like unhealthy snacks, don't buy them when you go shopping. Don't alow them into your home. No food has the power to make you eat it. You have the power to choose. Make a right decision. Then make another one. Your success is up to you.

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