Wednesday 8 July 2009

The Four Ds Of Success

This morning on the way to the gym I was listening to a podcast called The Acting Buzz. It is produced by Scott Powers Studios, Inc. In one episode they talked about the four Ds of success and how it can be applied to your acting career. It can also be applied to your fitness and nutrition, and other aspects of your life.

The Four Ds Of Success are Drive, Determination, Direction and Discipline:

Drive- The conviction that you will make it at all costs and that nothing or no one will deter you.

Determination- The long-term application of Drive. Setting your sights on a path you will not stray from or let anyone sway you from. Do you 'like' to be fit? Do you 'love' to be fit? None of these two questions matter. What you should be saying is, I 'have' to be fit.

Direction- The plan. The quality input. Guidance and substance you receive from qualified guides, mentors, coaches and trainers.

Discipline- You are your own boss. You decide to make it happen. You are a self-starter who doesn't wait to be told what to do.

To be successful in your life, apply the four Ds.

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