Wednesday 15 July 2009

Organic? Non-Organic? Natural?

Foods come in all shapes and sizes. Some are simply what they are, whereas others contain numerous ingredients. Some are Organic due to the regulated way they are produced, and some are described as Natural which on many occasions can simply be a marketing gimmick.

So should you choose Organic? Or not? Which is the healthiest choice you should make?

The answer is...

... it doesn't matter. What matters is how healthy the product is based on nutrition. Organic milk chocolate for example, is just as unhealthy as regular milk chocolate. The nutrition value for both will likely be identical.

So when it comes to choosing between Organic or not, choose the one with the lowest fat and lowest amount of calories. Of course if Organic is a viable option then choose Organic. One such example would be when buying skimmed milk. Both are low fat and low calorie and are generally equal. In this instance you would be wise to choose the Organic option.

All in all, nutrition value is more important than whether a food or drink product is Organic or not.

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