Wednesday 29 July 2009

Weight Loss Magic Part 3

And Now The Conclusion...

Or not, because successful weight loss is ongoing. Indeed, maintaining your weight is an ongoing process in which you need to be aware of what is in what you're eating or drinking. Weight Loss isn't really magic, although it may seem like it to some people. Weight Loss can be hard work or not depending on your situation, but what it ultimately takes is applying knowledge so that you don't make the same mistakes. Also remember that knowledge is only potential power. How you act on that knowledge determines how empowered you will truly be.

So here is the final batch of weight loss information and inspiration for this extended trilogy of blog entries on the subject. As always, I hope you find the information useful.


- Pace Yourself!

If you run you will burn more calories than if you walk for the same amount of time, but technically speaking, walking and running burns the same amount of calories. It's just that one takes longer than the other. If you find that high intensity running is not for you and you want to burn calories faster when walking, up the resistance on the treadmill, or walk uphill.

- Embrace The Glow!

When you are being fit and you are on course when it comes to your nutrition, you will glow and look amazing. Embrace the glow.

- Integrate Music To Make Your Workout Fun!

Do not leave for the gym without your i-pod/i-pod touch/i-phone/walkman/any other alternative music player. Ever. Music can inspire you to push much harder.

- Sweat Does Not Mean Success!

When it comes to getting better results, it doesn't matter if you sweat loads in your workout. What matters is how consistent you are with your nutrition.

- You Can't Outwork A Bad Diet!

No matter how hard you work you can't improve if your diet is bad. Even if you eat an unhealthy 1000 calorie snack and then workout to make up for that 1000 calories, ultimately it will come back to haunt you later. You will less likely be able to maintain a healthy lifestyle. So workout and be healthy too.

- Believe!

Don't doubt yourself. Believe in yourself.

- Changes Come!

One you make changes, more changes will come.

- The Best Abdominal Exercise!

The best abdominal exercise is healthy nutrition. If you do sit ups and your abdominals are covered by fat, these sit ups will be pretty worthless. To see your ab muscles you need to burn fat. This can be done through cardio exercise and not putting it on in the first place by eating low fat.

- Look Away Or Find A Way!

If you can't be bothered to do the work of working out or being aware of your nutrition, don't bother. Don't waste your time or those around you.

- Cardio Each Day!

You will most likely read suggestions that you should do at least 30 minutes of cardio a day. If you want to be great, you'll be doing my recommended at least 1 hour of cardio a day.

- More Or Less!

When it comes to whether you do more exercise or less, what matters most is that you know what you are doing. It's important that you are working out accurately.

- Listen To Music On An Exercise Bike!

Yes you can buy an exercise bike and watch your favorite drama on the television while riding and burn calories. However, by listening to music or watching music videos on the television, the rhythm of the music will help you with potentially burning at least 25% calories more for the same amount of time.

And finally...

- Have A Plan!

Having a plan sets you up for success.

Hope you continue to enjoy the Fitness & Nutrition Lifestyle blog. Please get in touch if you do. Thank you for taking the time to read it and watch out for the next blog entry coming soon.

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