Tuesday 21 July 2009

Ice Cream Sundae On A Sunday

Baskin-Robbins, Ben & Jerry's, Edy's (which I unfortunately can't get here in the UK), you name it, gotta love ice cream. There are so many choices. Of course it isn't the best choice when it comes to weight loss because of the high fat content. Portion control is definitely required when it comes to ice cream.

Then I thought of an ice cream rule yesterday. The ice cream sundae was apparently invented on a Sunday. Therefore, I figured that if you must have ice cream, try to have it only one day a week, and what better day than a Sunday, the day the ice cream sundae was invented. By applying this rule it is perhaps something you can look forward to each week as long as you maintain control the rest of the week.

Now I'm sure this idea isn't original. In fact I was inspired by a very well known internet philologist known as HotForWords. Her bio is below, and you can check out even more info at http://www.hotforwords.com/2009/07/19/never-on-a-sundae/ :

Marina Orlova, known to millions of YouTube fans around the world as a sexy master of language, HotForWords, is a 28 year old Internet “sensation”. Hailing from Moscow, Marina has two degrees in philology which is the study of linguistics and origin of words. Back in Russian Marina taught English and World Literature for high-schoolers. She came to the United States six years ago to improve her English skills and prepare for her PHD, but she ended up staying in the U.S. simply because of the warmer weather.

Two and a half years ago, Marina burst on to the YouTube scene. Her initial goal was to reach more people with her language knowledge. Instead of a classroom of 20 back in Russia, she now has a virtual class of over 238,000 subscribers. In each video she takes word requests from YouTube users and discuses their meanings and origins. Something that might, at first, seem boring, but when a buxom blonde with a Russian accent teaches you anything, it can be quite educational, proving that “Intelligence Is Sexy.”

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