Saturday 3 January 2009

A 3-day Cycle Starting Point

I've found that to be successful in accomplishing any goal is to have a plan. As I first started going to the gym on a regular basis, I aimed to go at least three times a week. Based on this I worked out a basic 3 day cycle to exercise my entire body that I built on. Cardio would help me lose weight, and weight training would help me build muscle to help me lose weight. It grew to be a lot more specific and has evolved to be quite different now, but I would recommend it as a starting point to those first starting out at the gym:

Day 1:

Cardio Warm-Up - Running (10 mins)
Weights - Shoulders, Chest, Arms (own pace)
Ab Exercises (own pace)
Cardio - Cycling (minimum 30 mins)

Day 2:

Cardio Warm-Up - Rowing (10 mins)
Weights - Shoulders, Chest, Arms (own pace)
Ab Exercises (own pace)
Cardio - Running (10 mins) followed by Brisk Walking (minimum 20 mins)

Day 3:

Cardio Warm-Up - Crosstrainer/Elliptical (10 mins)
Weights - Legs (own pace)
Ab Exercises (own pace)
Cardio - Cycling (minimum 30 mins)

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