Wednesday 28 January 2009

Drink Green Tea

According to nutrition research, Green Tea has various health benefits. It can apparently help when it comes to cancer, rheumatoid arthritis, high cholesterol levels, infection and an impaired immune system. It can also prevent tooth decay. In regards to weight loss, apparently those that drink Green Tea burn more calories...

And that's why I drink Green Tea- hopefully the nutrition research is true and it's what is assisting me with my healthy lifestyle. I've tried Green Tea as a drink and as a capsule. Now technically, the capsule has more Green Tea in it, however I currently choose to drink Green Tea. This way I am drinking more water which can help flush out my body. And based on nutrition advice I've received for Green Tea to be really having enough of an effect, I try to drink four cups a day. This may seem a lot so I suggest that perhaps you start with two cups of Green Tea and progress from there.

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