Wednesday 21 January 2009

Structure's Good

Earlier today I was watching a Lost video interview online with Josh Holloway who plays the character of Sawyer. When observing how glad he was to be working he stated that "Structure's Good", as it helps provide a purpose for him.

I feel the same way about fitness. Structure's good and is in fact key. It can really help to motivate you. At the gym for example my current basic work out has a 3 day structure, and each day itself has a structure.

Day 1 I start with a cardio warm-up, followed by chest and shoulder weight lifting exercises, ab exercises and then cardio.

Day 2 I start with a cardio warm-up, followed by arm weight lifting exercises and then cardio.

Day 3 I start with a cardio warm-up, followed by leg weight lifting exercises, ab exercises and then cardio.

You will notice that the days are similar, yet different. Something they all have though is structure.

For further details of my 3 day structure, please feel free to visit my post 'A 3-Day Cycle Starting Point'.

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