Saturday 10 January 2009

Honey & Lemon

It was snowing here in the UK this morning, which meant many regular gym goers weren't dealing with their winter blues, they were just staying in bed. I was up and ready to go this morning and I did make it to the gym despite the weather causing me some cold symptoms, however even my regular warm-up was only just keeping me warm. I was clearly in a need of a little comforting.

I found that comfort afterwards when I bought some Honey & Lemon and added it to my Oatmeal breakfast. Honey is soothing to the throat and so can help sore throats, and lemon can help with the cold. Now some believe Honey & Lemon is merely a comfort thing, and doesn't necessarily have an effect. I can tell you though, that having taken Honey & Lemon today, though it may simply be a comfort thing, it definitely made me feel better, and that sounds pretty effective to me.

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