Friday 2 January 2009

No Excuses!

It was back in July 2007 that I made a decision to get in shape. It's not like I was huge or anything. All I remember is that when I was 18 my waist was 30 inches and now here I was, nearly 30 and my waist was 35 inches. I'd clearly put on weight over time. Much of which I attribute to my regular chocolate milk cravings. Plus my Mother seemed to lean towards the large side, whereas my Dad seemed to be superskinny. Based on my genes, the odds were that I could go either way. I could be thin or fat, and the decision I made as I approached 30 could be what I was stuck with for the rest of my life. I chose neither- I simply chose to be fit and healthy.

I'd thought about going to the gym for a while but hadn't really made it happen. My previous experience at the gym was in 2004 at the housing complex known as The Commons in Orlando, Florida- I was working at Walt Disney World at the time. I'd gone on random days with no specific exercise plan in mind but hadn't made a real effort. It was now two years later and I was back in the UK and I walked past a gym that had a sign saying No Excuses! Being the kind of person who believes in Serendipity and how it is the way you interpret the signs in your life that determines how happy and successful you are, I decided that the sign was a sign- from here on out there were no excuses!

This led me to doing some research, consulting with fitness professionals and formulating an exercise and nutrition regime tailored just for me. My ultimate goal was to lose belly fat- I wasn't really bothered about gaining muscle. Then I learned that gaining muscle was integral to losing fat overall. Thus through trial and error I developed an ever-evolving workout and nutrition regime. A year later, the beginning of Summer 2008 I had started to see my abdominal muscles and I was down to a 28 inch waist with low body fat percentage. I continued forth, and just a few months later I had a photo shoot that revealed I had accomplished some six pack abs. I'd also begun getting modeling offers and people who hadn't spoken to me in ages asking me how I got in such great shape.

So now, in January 2009, I've decided to share my experience of what I did to get in shape. Now I'm not a fitness expert (and as a disclaimer it's advisable to contact your doctor before undertaking any new fitness/nutrition regime that may be hazardous to your health)- I'm just a guy who did a lot of research and took what I felt were the best theories regarding fitness and nutrition, and took action.

And perhaps by reading this blog, you'll feel inspired and formulate your own fitness and nutrition regime that's just right for you. I am of course open to any questions. For now though, my first piece of advice in regards to any kind of lifestyle you have, fitness or otherwise is, there are no excuses!

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