Monday 26 January 2009

Making Healthy Chinese Takeaway Choices

Since today is the beginning of Chinese New Year, I thought I'd focus on ordering a Chinese takeaway and the healthy choices you can make when doing so. The following 5 tips come from a mixture of research online and my own personal experience:

1. Order dishes with vegetables.

2. My own personal experience tells me that Chinese takeaway restaurants only seem to have white rice. Brown rice is ok but you should generally avoid white rice, so my advice would be to avoid all rice dishes. Rice is also a starchy carb which you should avoid eating late in the day, and chances are most Chinese takeaways are likely to be ordered in the evening.

3. Don't be afraid to mention your dietary needs so you can be accommodated if possible.

4. Don't order anything with fried in the title.

5. Avoid dishes with sauces.

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