Tuesday 27 January 2009

Chewing Gum Calories

If you're going to chew gum I would recommend the sugar-free variety. Chewing gum with sugar adds calories even if you are simply chewing and not swallowing, and it doesn't help your teeth much either. Sugar-free gum on the other hand can actually help you burn calories. It does contain calories but the act of chewing the gum will burn enough calories to thus cancel out the actual calories in the gum itself. However if you chew even sugar-free gum endlessly each day that won't help your teeth either. Chewing gum can also put a taste in your mouth that may prevent you from reaching for an unhealthy snack.

I rarely chew gum myself as I think it's an unnecessary thing to do, so I would not recommend you start chewing gum as a way to lose weight. Should you chew gum though, I suggest sugar-free.

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