Saturday 31 January 2009


When you go to a gym you are surrounded by so many things. These can typically include: loud music, television screens, people making loud grunts as they lift weights, people who have no particular plan and are randomly using equipment, those who try to compete with you without you noticing, etc, etc...

I listen to my i-pod and keep that as my gym world. From there I simply focus on the task at hand and ignore everything else. By doing so, I am able to excel in what I'm doing, and by doing so I'm not only remaining focused but I'm leading by example. And the response I get from that is people looking up to me and respecting me as I work out. I find I am inspiring others and this in itself inspires me even further.

So at the gym, stick to your plan, remain focused each and every day, and your fitness will grow beyond perhaps anything you thought you could ever possibly achieve.

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