Saturday 28 February 2009

Remember The Basics

Sometimes you have such a busy schedule that your nutrition may not be a priority. No matter what, you need to make it a priority. You'll feel a lot better in the long run. So here are some basics to remember:

Breakfast: Make sure you have it. If you don't have time in the morning, prepare it the night before.

No Sugar: I myself unfortunately do eat sugar in some form every day, even if it is in a highly reduced manner. Still the truth is, you should ideally be aiming for no sugar at all. That means double checking the labels on your breakfast cereal and anything else you eat.

Calorie Counting & Deficit: To lose approximately 1lb a week you need to eat 500 calories less than you are supposed to according to the BMR calculator. You achieve this through fitness and nutrition. I am not an expert however I believe you should aim for more than that. That being said, there are only so many hours in a day so you should do it at a pace that suits you. Just make sure you do it. And don't forget to check the labels, your favorite calorie book or website to find out how many calories you are consuming each day. It's important that you are as accurate as possible. A food journal or equivalent computer or mobile phone software can help you with this.

Less Than 5g Of Fat Per 100g: This is my own personal one. Recent early 2009 studies have shown that it doesn't matter what you eat as long as you create a calorie deficit and you're getting the nutrients you need. I do apply this rule myself, however I've found that if I aim for food products with 5g or less of fat per 100g (or preferably less than 3g of fat per 100g), I am able to consistently achieve weight loss when I wish.

Protein: Make sure you are getting enough because Protein and Amino Acids provide the necessary building blocks for your body. Bare in mind that protein only stays in your body for a limited time, and someone that lifts heavy weights will need more protein than someone who doesn't. That means if you are not going to the gym on a certain day you may not need as much protein. Just be careful that the amount of protein you consume isn't too low every day.

Right For You: Ultimately you know your body better than anyone else. So do what's right for you. This week we had Shrove Tuesday aka Pancake Day, and the beginning of Lent. Just because many people indulge in pancakes doesn't mean you have to. It doesn't mean you can't either, just as long as you earn it before and/or make up for it afterwards. With Lent, some people who usually eat meat go vegetarian or even vegan. Be aware that many dairy free products and meat alternatives contain lots of sugar and aren't particularly low in fat, so trying this can hinder your weight loss goals if you're not too careful.

Anytime you can go off course with your fitness and nutrition. Remembering the basics can put you back on course and keep you on the right path.

Monday 23 February 2009

For The Young, Do It While You're Young

As you get older your body is unable to work as efficiently as the way it used to. No matter how active you try to be in maintaining who you were, who you are may catch up with you. You may have an injury when you're older that you may not have got had you been younger. This injury may leed you to not being able to be so active. If you are not active, then you can't burn as many calories which means you will have a harder time losing weight.

I'm not saying you can't lose weight in a good way as you get older, however I'm noting that it can be an uphill climb. So if you're young, make the most of the opportunity to be fit and healthy. There are young people out there making it happen all the time. Granted they have a little help but they themselves are a key factor in how successful they are. The young actors in the recently announced 2009 Oscar-winning Best Picture 'Slumdog Millionaire' are just one example.

So for all the young, do it while you're young. I know I am.

Sunday 22 February 2009

The Oscar-Winning Workout 2009

I was thinking about the Academy Awards happening tonight and have just this morning found 'The Oscar-Winning Workout'. It was created by Bethany Lyons of Crunch NYC. The details are as follows:

- Do fast feet every time someone thanks his or her Mom: "Run in place, moving feet quickly, for 10 seconds. Then jog in place with knees high for 10 seconds. Repeat series three times."

- Do tricep dips every time the camera cuts to a celebrity who's not amused by the host's joke: "Sit on the edge of a chair with hands beside hips, with legs slightly extended and feet together on floor; slide butt off seat. Bend elbows, lowering butt toward floor; straighten arms. Do 10 reps."

- Do high plank every time the orchestra cuts off a verbose speaker: "Get into push-up position and hold for one minute."

- Do 10 squat jumps every time a reporter asks "Who are you wearing tonight?" during the red carpet segment.

- Do 20 bicycle crunches every time the camera flashes to Oscar-nominated sweethearts Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt.

Further information can be viewed at

The fun of the workout reminds of the time when my friends and I would clap when the claps happen in the 'Friends' TV show theme song each episode, or when you take a sip of your drink every time you watch someone enter and/or exit in a sitcom. Adding fun to anything in your life is simply in itself- fun!

The Oscar-Winning Workout is a great way to start. It'll be easier for those watching the Oscars in America. Since it's broadcast live, it may be seen at other times throughout the world. In the UK for example it'll be seen first thing in the morning so hopefully Brits won't be too tired to take part in the fun. Either way, have fun!

Saturday 21 February 2009

The Relationship Between Luck and Fitness & Nutrition

Yesterday I was attending my latest acting masterclass at the Theatre Royal Haymarket. The master for the class was 'The Chronicles Of Narnia: The Lion, The Witch & The Wardrobe' actor James McAvoy. One of the major key points James McAvoy talked about with acting was luck and how it has influenced his career. He mentioned how there are many variables that lead up to one single moment of potential.

In my acting career, although I continue to make things happen as much as I can myself, I do believe luck is a factor as to how successful I will be as an actor. Luck and chance are unfortunately something I don't have control over. I may be lucky. I may not be. That being said I do try to create moments of opportunity in which luck can exist.

I do not believe that when it comes to fitness and nutrition, it has any relationship with luck. Beyond the genes that you were born with, you are in control of how your fitness and nutrition is. You decide how much to exercise. You decide how many calories to eat each day. How successful you are with fitness and nutrition is completely up to you.

Friday 20 February 2009

Literally Making A Transformation

You may read about people making a transformation physically due to their fitness and nutrition. And they are literally making a transformation.

When you do sit ups for example you are moulding your stomach muscles into shape. When you do cardio you are burning away fat to reveal the muscle underneath. When you eat protein you are helping the body to build upon itself. All of these factors and many more are what help to transform you.

You can make a positive transformation or a negative one. What kind of transformation you actually make is up to you.

Thursday 19 February 2009

Celebrity Inspiration III: Jessica Biel

There are many celebrities that really value fitness and nutrition. Of these, there are a very select few, male and female, who I think are at the pinnacle of fitness and nutrition and are those who give me ideas and inspire me within my own fitness and nutrition. Today I am going to focus on 'Blade Trinity' actress Jessica Biel.

A typical diet which is generally organic and natural for Jessica Biel includes the following:

Breakfast: 1 cup of oatmeal with handful of berries or oatmeal with diced apple and cinnamon, and a side of protein (typically one egg scrambled with three egg whites)

Snack: 1 slice whole wheat toast with almond butter and sliced bananas on top.

Lunch: Vitamin-rich salad (spinach, asparagus, broccoli) dressed with lemon and a teaspoon of olive oil or vinaigrette plus with 5-6 oz of chicken

Snack: A banana or apple or strawberries or soy-based protein drinks made with nonfat milk or protein bars or a dozen unsalted almonds.

Dinner: 6oz. of fish, plate full of veggies, 1/2 cup of low-glycemic basmati rice. A couple of pieces of dark chocolate.

Based on the above, I would say having Oatmeal with berries on top is a great idea because it adds sweetness to a potentially plain breakfast while being healthy for you. Spinach I would say is good anytime and something that is a major staple in my healthy nutrition lifestyle. I have yet to explore Soy-based protein drinks. I have been advised that with Soy-based protein drinks you need to be aware of the sugar content. I will check out Soy-based protein drinks myself very soon and offer my opinion at a later date. As to dark chocolate, it has been suggested that going for dark over milk chocolate is better for you since it is blander than milk chocolate and can encourage you not to eat too much. I think any kind of chocolate is an indulgence. It can be enjoyed as a treat, however may not be adviseable as part of an every day lifestyle. I know there are various chocolates out there that contain antioxidants, though my opinion is that chocolate is not the best way to get antioxidants.

Jessica Biel's typical diet was combined with cardio, weight training, high intensity training (strength and speed) and leg exercises helped with her abdominal muscles. On the 3rd day of my own 3-Day Cycle I focus very much on legs for this same purpose.

There are many inspirations out there, celebrity and non-celebrity. Today I chose Jessica Biel but there are many more who inspire me that I will get onto in the future. It doesn't matter who inspires you. Even if it's simply yourself, feeling inspired can help you go above and beyond in all aspects of your life. Keep looking for inspiration and be an inspiration to others yourself. Feel inspired!

Wednesday 18 February 2009

Review Technique

Technique is something that can be taken for granted when working out at a gym. Sometimes you may get into a set routine and miss some of the little details that make an exercise successful.

To minimize this, every so often, make a full check of the technique you are doing. The last thing you want to be doing is repeating an exercise that you aren't doing properly, isn't doing the appropriate job and could be a complete waste of time because of this.

The same as fit and healthy people check on their weight regularly to be successful with fitness and nutrition, you also need to review your exercise technique.

Tuesday 17 February 2009

Celebrity Inspiration II: Ryan Reynolds

There are many celebrities that really value fitness and nutrition. Of these, there are a very select few, male and female, who I think are at the pinnacle of fitness and nutrition and are those who give me ideas and inspire me within my own fitness and nutrition. Today I am going to focus on 'Blade Trinity' actor Ryan Reynolds.

Below is a typical diet that Ryan Reynolds undertook when working on the movie 'Blade Trinity'. Note that he may not still be on a diet as strict as this in his every day life now, however it does give you an idea of what it takes to get the six pack that Ryan Reynolds had in 'Blade Trinity':

Breakfast: 1/2 cup of egg whites, 1 cup of sugarless oatmeal, some “good” fat like a spoon of almond butter or slice of avocado.

Midmorning snack: Protein bar

Lunch: Albacore tuna wrap or chicken and salad

Mid-afternoon snack: Protein bar, protein shake (whey and water) or apple and almonds

Dinner: Broiled fish or chicken, brown rice, vegetables, and salad

Evening Snack: Protein shake

This diet was combined with ab exercises and heavy weight training. Ryan Reynolds trained for six days each week which reportedly led to getting his body fat percentage down from 11% to 3%. Note that on an average male, to see your abdominal muscles you need to get your body fat percentage to below around 9%. Also, if you're getting down to specifics the Oatmeal Ryan Reynolds ate was McCann's Steel Cut Oatmeal. I believe this to be available throughout the US, however I have yet to find it in the UK. I myself eat Quakers Oatmeal (or Porridge as we call it in the UK). The protein shakes were Optimum Whey Protein Shakes. As an extra note, Ryan Reynolds also didn't eat carbs after 8pm. I would recommend going even further by aiming to have your final big meal of the day by 7pm or even 6pm. To assist with muscle mass, in addition to Creatine Ryan Reynolds took supplements including L-glutamine, Conjugated Linoleic Acid (CLA), whey, and a multivitamin. My personal experience with both Creatine and L'glutamine teaches me that these may be necessary, they may not. I do take them occasionally, but I am still on the fence as to their actual effectiveness.

There are many inspirations out there, celebrity and non-celebrity. Today I chose Ryan Reynolds but there are many more who inspire me that I will get onto in the future. It doesn't matter who inspires you. Even if it's simply yourself, feeling inspired can help you go above and beyond in all aspects of your life. Keep looking for inspiration and be an inspiration to others yourself. Feel inspired!

Monday 16 February 2009

What Do You Want?

I was watching 'The Notebook' on Blu-Ray Disc over the Valentine's Day weekend and there was a simple line that stuck out for me. It was later on in the film when Noah played by Ryan Gosling and Allie played by Rachel McAdams are assessing their relationship that Noah repeatedly asks her "What do you want?!"

It's something we should be asking ourselves each day- What do I want? Once we know what we want then we can begin our journey to obtaining it.

So with your own fitness and nutrition, questions you can ask yourself include: Do I want to lose weight? Do I want to gain muscle? Do I want to look attractive? Do I want to lead a healthy lifestyle? Do I want to be able to lessen my chances of illness?

Chances are, the answer to most if not all of these questions is yes. Now you know what you want, you are ready to take that next step- getting what you want.

Friday 13 February 2009

Be A Contender

Last night I was fortunate enough to be attending the Press Night of the West End play 'On The Waterfront' at the Theatre Royal Haymarket in London. It was based on the film version starring Marlon Brando and featured the classic speech in which Brando as Terry says "I coulda had class. I coulda been a contender. I coulda been somebody, instead of a bum, which is what I am, let's face it."

What stuck out for me in that speech, is that the character of Terry in 'On The Waterfront' is saying that he could have been a contender. Past tense. He's acknowledging that perhaps it's too late for him.

In regards to fitness and nutrition, I would like you to remember this speech, and let it inspire you to think that in the future you don't want to be looking back and thinking you could have got in shape when you had the chance and blew it. Make healthy changes today and do them every day. By doing so, hopefully you won't be looking back someday and thinking you could have been a contender, rather you already will be a contender.

Thursday 12 February 2009

Celebrity Inspiration: Kate Hudson

There are many celebrities that really value fitness and nutrition. Of these, there are a very select few, male and female, who I think are at the pinnacle of fitness and nutrition and are those who give me ideas and inspire me within my own fitness and nutrition. Today I am going to focus on 'Bride Wars' actress Kate Hudson.

So that you may see it for yourself, the Kate Hudson One Week Bikini Diet Plan is as follows:

DAY #1

One-half cup oatmeal in water
4 egg whites with 1 cup steamed spinach
One-half cup mixed berries
1 Clutch supplement pack

1 Clutch Snak-Pak

6 oz mahi-mahi filet (never farm raised)
Mixed greens salad (garbanzo beans, one-half avocado, tomatoes)
-1 tbsp. vinaigrette dressing
One-half cup steamed brown rice
1 Clutch supplement pack

Clutch Protein Shake

6 oz organic chicken
Three-fourths cup quinoa
2 cups grilled vegetables your choice (no carrots or corn)
1 Clutch supplement pack

DAY #2

1 cup Go Lean Crunch cereal
1 cup unsweetened almond breeze milk
topped with one-half cup of mixed berries
Clutch Protein Shake
Clutch Supplement Pack

Apple with 1 tbsp all natural almond butter

4 oz. grilled salmon
2 cups of mixed vegetables
One-half cup baked sweet potato
Clutch Supplement pack

Clutch Snak-Pak

6 oz baked halibut
Three-fourths cup barley
2 cups steamed spinach and Brussels sprouts with garlic
1 Clutch Supplement Pack

DAY #3

Clutch protein shake with one-half of a banana, one-half cup pineapple, one-half cup mixed berries
Clutch Supplement Pack

Clutch Snak-pak

6 oz. black Cod
2 cups steamed vegetables
1 cup brown rice
1 tbsp. low sugar low sodium teriyaki sauce
1 pack clutch supplement pack

1 medium grapefruit

4 oz. organic chicken
One-half cup wild rice
Mixed greens salad with vinaigrette dressing
1 pack clutch supplement pack

DAY #4

One-half cup oatmeal cooked in water with 1 tbsp agave nectar sweetener
4 egg whites with 1 cup grilled vegetables
Clutch Supplement Pack

Clutch Protein Shake

3 cups mixed green salad leaves
6 oz organic chicken
One-half avocado
1 cup vegetables of your choice (not corn or carrots)
1 pack clutch supplement pack

Clutch Snak-Pak

4 oz fish of your choice (grilled, baked, or steamed)
2 cups steamed kale and broccoli with garlic
One-half cup wild rice
1 Clutch Supplement pack

DAY #5

One-half cup Nature’s Path Flax Plus
1 cup unsweetened almond breeze milk
4 egg whites with 1 cup broccoli, onion, and one-half avocado
1 pack Clutch Supplements

Clutch protein shake

6 oz mahi mahi (not farm raised)
3 cups mixed greens salad with cucumbers, garbanzo beans, tomato
1 cup steamed brown rice
1 pack clutch supplement pack

Clutch Snak-Pak

4 oz organic chicken
1 cup grilled Brussels sprouts
1 cup steamed kale
One-half cup mixed berries
1 pack clutch supplement pack

DAY #6

1 medium grapefruit
4 egg whites with steamed spinach
One-half cup oatmeal cooked in water with 1 packet of stevia sweetener
1 Clutch Supplement Pack

Raw bell peppers spears
Clutch snack pack

3 cups mixed green salad leaves
6 oz organic chicken
One-half avocado
1 cup vegetables of your choice (not corn or carrots)
One-half cup quinoa
1 Clutch Supplement Pack

Three-fourths cup mixed berries
One-fourths cup almonds

6 oz baked halibut
Three-fourths cup barley
2 cups steamed spinach and brussels sprouts with garlic
1 Clutch Supplement Pack

Day #7

One-half cup oatmeal with 1 tablespoon agave sweetener
Protein shake (1 scoop whey protein powder, 8 oz unsweetened vanilla Almond Breeze Milk,
One-half cup mixed berries, 1/2 banana, 1 cup ice)

Handful of almonds

1 cup steamed brown rice
6 ounces black cod
2 cups steamed veggies

Protein shake

One-fourth cup quinoa
6 oz organic chicken
2 cups steamed kale with garlic

What is a Clutch supplement pack you might ask. I don't know either, but it can be obtained via

Of the above information, the most important thing I take on board personally is the half a banana approach. I've adapted this in my own nutrition lifestyle. I find that having half a banana in the morning by itself and the other half in the afternoon by itself as snacks has been an important factor in my own weight loss. I also particularly support the idea of having Oatmeal for breakfast as it can fill you up and prevent you from craving unhealthy snacks throughout the day. I would recommend having it made with water, and then you can either have it plain, with (no added sugar) apple sauce or with honey as long as you don't go overboard.

There are many inspirations out there, celebrity and non-celebrity. Today I chose Kate Hudson but there are many more who inspire me that I will get onto in the future. It doesn't matter who inspires you. Even if it's simply yourself, feeling inspired can help you go above and beyond in all aspects of your life. Keep looking for inspiration and be an inspiration to others yourself. Feel inspired!

Wednesday 11 February 2009

Take A Class

Simply taking a class can give you an extra opportunity to work out in addition to your regular workout. It can be a social event, fun and a way to burn extra calories.

I attend a range of classes at my gym each week. These classes change every so often. They currently include: BoxFit- a class where a mini-assault course is combined with regular boxing and kick-boxing; Boxercise- a regular boxing technique class; Spin- a class with intensive cardiovascular training on exercise bikes to dance music and lighting; BodyTone- a range of exercises involving small weights; LBT- exercises that involve working your legs, butt and abs; and Pilates.

It doesn't matter what class you do as long as it works for you. Take a class today.

Tuesday 10 February 2009

Brush Your Teeth

It is common practice to brush your teeth in the morning and in the evening. Doing so is hygienic in so many ways and for your own social status I highly recommend you do brush your teeth at least twice a day. Using mouthwash helps too.

In regards to nutrition, it can also be helpful to brush your teeth after lunch should you have the time. The clean and fresh feeling in your mouth can help prevent you from craving unhealthy snacks, thus helping you with weight loss.

Monday 9 February 2009

"Yes We Can!"

Last night at the BAFTAs here in London, England- actor/writer/director Noel Clarke of Doctor Who/Kidulthood/Adulthood fame won the Orange Rising Star Award after campaigning really hard with the public via online avenues such as facebook. In his acceptance speech he menioned that with hard work you can make it and he ended the speech with "Yes We Can!" The video of his acceptance speech can be viewed at

We often hear that if you work hard you can make it, but the reality is that so many people are simply unwilling to put that hard work in. I often get asked fitness advice, and when I explain what it takes and offer to give them a plan, the person might say that now is not the time or it's too intense.

Working hard is intense. It takes true greatness to accomplish your goals. As an actor I deal with rejection all the time, but I don't let it stop me. I keep pushing hard to address challenges and always aim to improve and have a relentless determination to do so. Every day I tell myself Yes I Can. If we all do that, it's really true- "Yes We Can!"

Sunday 8 February 2009

Get It Done!

Assuming you're applying a calorie deficit each day, you should be well on your way to losing weight. However, you may decide to have a Saturday night takeaway each weekend...

...thus potentially ruining all the hard work you've done throughout the week. Moderation is the key. Don't keep putting yourself through the same frustrations every week. Treat yourself when it comes to food if you must, but work out even harder to make sure you still have a calorie deficit every day for weight loss.

How much progress you make with weight loss is completely up to you. Get it done!

Saturday 7 February 2009

Tuna Talk

Tuna can come canned or fresh. Your choice of which one depends on your reason for eating Tuna in the first place.

I would say that if eating Tuna for the Omega-3 content, you should go for the fresh kind as this will have a higher volume of Omega-3 in it.. On the other hand, should you be eating Tuna for Protein content, then the canned version is a great choice as canned Tuna in water contains 0 carbohydrates.

As a sidenote, if I was eating food for Omega-3 content, I would choose Cod over Tuna. And my personal reason for eating Tuna is the Protein content.

Friday 6 February 2009

Let's Bounce!

As I left for the gym first thing this morning, England was going through a third bout of heavy snow for the week. The snow was so thick on the ground that when I walked there was a spring in my step that lead me to getting to the gym faster.

When I listen to music on my i-pod when doing cardio, when the music steps up, so do I. I have a renewed energy and a bounce that allows me to burn more calories.

So when you find yourself getting tired while doing cardio, imagine yourself walking on snow, or change/use more uptempo music to put that spring in your step. Just think- Let's Bounce!

Thursday 5 February 2009

Earn It

There are times when you may not be able to resist that chocolate/cookie/ice cream/etc... and eating such things is fine in moderation, however it may affect your daily calorie goals.

I suggest that if you must snack on something unhealthy with little nutrients, earn it first. For example, if you really want to eat a tub of ice cream that's worth around 1000 calories, first consider a lower calorie option such as frozen yogurt, and then if you still can't resist, burn off 1000 calories with cardio FIRST and then go for it. Not only will you know that you can eat the ice cream without feeling guilty, but the amount of hard work you had to do to earn that ice cream may make you think again the next time you have an unhealthy food craving.

Wednesday 4 February 2009

The 5 Products Rule

Nowadays, many so called 'foods' have lots of additives including flavorings, various forms of sugar and other products that you can't pronounce. Even foods that are advertised as low fat do this and though they may indeed be low fat, they may be full of carbohydrates and forms of sugar and thickening agents to make up the difference, and these could either increase the number of calories in the so-called 'food' or turn to fat later if you don't use the energy in them. It is also worth baring in mind that it is eating too many calories rather than fat that will actually make you fat.

As a general rule when shopping for healthy food, apply the rule of avoiding anything that contains more than 5 products in it. And if you can't pronounce a certain ingredient in 'food', it might be best to steer clear for that reason too.

Tuesday 3 February 2009

Running In The Cold

Running in the cold can improve your energy, help you get over the winter blues and allow you to continue getting fit and ready for Summer. This morning on the way to my warm gym I saw someone running in the cold, and on occasional evenings I see people running in the cold.

It is not something I do myself though since I believe there are better alternative ways to stay fit, and keep warm while you're at it. Should you decide to run in the cold however, here are some tips:

1. Dress in layers but avoid overdressing as you will warm up once you get moving.
2. Protect your hands with gloves, feet with thick socks, and head with a hat.
3. Wearing a scarf over your mouth can warm the air you breathe and protect your face.
4. Don't stay in wet clothes.
5. Cold air can have a drying effect, so don't forget the water.

The above tips may seem obvious, but sometimes the obvious can be taken for granted so it's nice to have a reminder. Should you decide to run in the cold, which I personally don't recommend, please take the above tips on board.

Monday 2 February 2009

Snow Day

Here in the South East of England we've apparently had the heaviest snow in 18 years. Did that stop me going to the gym this morning...?

No. I went anyway. I was self motivated, and able to walk there. However for those who may not be able to make it to a gym on a snow day due to travel disruptions and the like, it does not mean you have to stay in.

You could burn calories by sledding, building a snowman, running and throwing snowballs, shovelling snow, etc... Poor unexpected weather does not mean you have to miss out on keeping fit. Remember that on your next snow day.

Sunday 1 February 2009

Super Bowl Inspiration

Today is the biggest sporting event of the year in the US- the Super Bowl. (American) Football is just one sport in which athletes are representing their country/state/town/etc... They have all had to work extremely hard to get where they are and it takes a lot of discipline to still be there. If you watch the big game, use these athletes as your inspiration today so that you feel inspired tomorrow.