Wednesday 4 February 2009

The 5 Products Rule

Nowadays, many so called 'foods' have lots of additives including flavorings, various forms of sugar and other products that you can't pronounce. Even foods that are advertised as low fat do this and though they may indeed be low fat, they may be full of carbohydrates and forms of sugar and thickening agents to make up the difference, and these could either increase the number of calories in the so-called 'food' or turn to fat later if you don't use the energy in them. It is also worth baring in mind that it is eating too many calories rather than fat that will actually make you fat.

As a general rule when shopping for healthy food, apply the rule of avoiding anything that contains more than 5 products in it. And if you can't pronounce a certain ingredient in 'food', it might be best to steer clear for that reason too.

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