Tuesday 3 February 2009

Running In The Cold

Running in the cold can improve your energy, help you get over the winter blues and allow you to continue getting fit and ready for Summer. This morning on the way to my warm gym I saw someone running in the cold, and on occasional evenings I see people running in the cold.

It is not something I do myself though since I believe there are better alternative ways to stay fit, and keep warm while you're at it. Should you decide to run in the cold however, here are some tips:

1. Dress in layers but avoid overdressing as you will warm up once you get moving.
2. Protect your hands with gloves, feet with thick socks, and head with a hat.
3. Wearing a scarf over your mouth can warm the air you breathe and protect your face.
4. Don't stay in wet clothes.
5. Cold air can have a drying effect, so don't forget the water.

The above tips may seem obvious, but sometimes the obvious can be taken for granted so it's nice to have a reminder. Should you decide to run in the cold, which I personally don't recommend, please take the above tips on board.

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