Thursday 19 February 2009

Celebrity Inspiration III: Jessica Biel

There are many celebrities that really value fitness and nutrition. Of these, there are a very select few, male and female, who I think are at the pinnacle of fitness and nutrition and are those who give me ideas and inspire me within my own fitness and nutrition. Today I am going to focus on 'Blade Trinity' actress Jessica Biel.

A typical diet which is generally organic and natural for Jessica Biel includes the following:

Breakfast: 1 cup of oatmeal with handful of berries or oatmeal with diced apple and cinnamon, and a side of protein (typically one egg scrambled with three egg whites)

Snack: 1 slice whole wheat toast with almond butter and sliced bananas on top.

Lunch: Vitamin-rich salad (spinach, asparagus, broccoli) dressed with lemon and a teaspoon of olive oil or vinaigrette plus with 5-6 oz of chicken

Snack: A banana or apple or strawberries or soy-based protein drinks made with nonfat milk or protein bars or a dozen unsalted almonds.

Dinner: 6oz. of fish, plate full of veggies, 1/2 cup of low-glycemic basmati rice. A couple of pieces of dark chocolate.

Based on the above, I would say having Oatmeal with berries on top is a great idea because it adds sweetness to a potentially plain breakfast while being healthy for you. Spinach I would say is good anytime and something that is a major staple in my healthy nutrition lifestyle. I have yet to explore Soy-based protein drinks. I have been advised that with Soy-based protein drinks you need to be aware of the sugar content. I will check out Soy-based protein drinks myself very soon and offer my opinion at a later date. As to dark chocolate, it has been suggested that going for dark over milk chocolate is better for you since it is blander than milk chocolate and can encourage you not to eat too much. I think any kind of chocolate is an indulgence. It can be enjoyed as a treat, however may not be adviseable as part of an every day lifestyle. I know there are various chocolates out there that contain antioxidants, though my opinion is that chocolate is not the best way to get antioxidants.

Jessica Biel's typical diet was combined with cardio, weight training, high intensity training (strength and speed) and leg exercises helped with her abdominal muscles. On the 3rd day of my own 3-Day Cycle I focus very much on legs for this same purpose.

There are many inspirations out there, celebrity and non-celebrity. Today I chose Jessica Biel but there are many more who inspire me that I will get onto in the future. It doesn't matter who inspires you. Even if it's simply yourself, feeling inspired can help you go above and beyond in all aspects of your life. Keep looking for inspiration and be an inspiration to others yourself. Feel inspired!

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