Saturday 28 February 2009

Remember The Basics

Sometimes you have such a busy schedule that your nutrition may not be a priority. No matter what, you need to make it a priority. You'll feel a lot better in the long run. So here are some basics to remember:

Breakfast: Make sure you have it. If you don't have time in the morning, prepare it the night before.

No Sugar: I myself unfortunately do eat sugar in some form every day, even if it is in a highly reduced manner. Still the truth is, you should ideally be aiming for no sugar at all. That means double checking the labels on your breakfast cereal and anything else you eat.

Calorie Counting & Deficit: To lose approximately 1lb a week you need to eat 500 calories less than you are supposed to according to the BMR calculator. You achieve this through fitness and nutrition. I am not an expert however I believe you should aim for more than that. That being said, there are only so many hours in a day so you should do it at a pace that suits you. Just make sure you do it. And don't forget to check the labels, your favorite calorie book or website to find out how many calories you are consuming each day. It's important that you are as accurate as possible. A food journal or equivalent computer or mobile phone software can help you with this.

Less Than 5g Of Fat Per 100g: This is my own personal one. Recent early 2009 studies have shown that it doesn't matter what you eat as long as you create a calorie deficit and you're getting the nutrients you need. I do apply this rule myself, however I've found that if I aim for food products with 5g or less of fat per 100g (or preferably less than 3g of fat per 100g), I am able to consistently achieve weight loss when I wish.

Protein: Make sure you are getting enough because Protein and Amino Acids provide the necessary building blocks for your body. Bare in mind that protein only stays in your body for a limited time, and someone that lifts heavy weights will need more protein than someone who doesn't. That means if you are not going to the gym on a certain day you may not need as much protein. Just be careful that the amount of protein you consume isn't too low every day.

Right For You: Ultimately you know your body better than anyone else. So do what's right for you. This week we had Shrove Tuesday aka Pancake Day, and the beginning of Lent. Just because many people indulge in pancakes doesn't mean you have to. It doesn't mean you can't either, just as long as you earn it before and/or make up for it afterwards. With Lent, some people who usually eat meat go vegetarian or even vegan. Be aware that many dairy free products and meat alternatives contain lots of sugar and aren't particularly low in fat, so trying this can hinder your weight loss goals if you're not too careful.

Anytime you can go off course with your fitness and nutrition. Remembering the basics can put you back on course and keep you on the right path.

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